Business Regulatory Framework (Mercantile Law) (301)
Multiple Choice Questions
42 Pages
Contributed by
Prajwal Hallale
- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO IUnit 1. - Law of Contract - General Principles.(Indian Contract Act, 1872)1. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 is dividend into….. Chapters.a) 3b) 8c) 10d) 122. When is the communication of proposals, the acceptance of proposals and the revocation ofproposals deemed to be made:a) Only on clear verbal communication of such proposal, acceptance or revocationb) By any act or omission of the party by which he intends to communicate such proposal,acceptance or revocation or has the effect of communicating itc) Only when the proposal, acceptance or revocation of the proposal is recorded in writingd) Only when the proposal, acceptance or revocation of the proposal is received and understoodby the other party receiving the information3. Which of the following feature is not essential for a contract:a) It should be in writing onlyb) free consent of parties competent to contractc) lawful consideration and with a lawful objectd) It should not be declared void expressly4. Who among the following is not competent to contract:a) Person who has acquired the age of 18b) Person who has acquired the age of 16c) Person is of sound mindd) Person who is disqualified from contracting by any law
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO What is consent under the Indian Contract Act, 1872:a) When acceptance of proposal is made by the party to whom the proposal is madeb) When the acceptance is made by another person other than the person to whom theproposal is madec) When they agree upon the same thing in the same sensed) When both the parties agree upon a thing in the way it is understood by them6. Every promise and every set of promise forming the consideration for each other is a/ana) Contractb) Agreementc) Offerd) Acceptance7. A promises to deliver his watch to B and, in return, B promises to pay a sum of Rs. 2,000. Thisis a/ana) Agreementb) Proposalc) Acceptanced) Offer8. A contract or an obligation to perform a promise could arise bya) Agreement and Contractb) Promissory Estoppelc) Standard form of contracts by promised) All of the above9. Valid Contractsa) Are made by free consentb) Are made by competent partyc) Have lawful consideration and lawful objectd) All of the above10. A contract createsa) Rights and obligations of the parties to itb) Obligations of the parties to itc) Mutual understanding between the parties to itd) Mutual lawful rights and obligations of the parties to it.
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO An offer and its acceptance is the basic requirement of an agreement and as per thisrequirement, an offer by one partya) Should be made to the other who is related to himb) May also be made to himselfc) Should be made to another who may or may not be related to himd) Should be made to another before the Registrar12. Contracts with an alien friend, subject to certain restrictions area) Voidb) Unenforceablec) Validd) Invalid13. Undue influence is a kind ofa) Mentalb) Physicalc) Both (a) and (b)d) None of the above14. …….. Is an erroneous belief about something?a) Representationb) Mistakec) Fraudd) Misrepresentation15. The damages awarded by way of punishment are calleda) Special Damagesb) Ordinary Damagesc) Exemplary Damagesd) Nominal Damages16. Which of the following is not a necessary feature to convert a proposal into a promise:A. The acceptance must be absoluteB. The acceptance must be within the prescribed time limitC. The acceptance must be conditionalD. The acceptance must be expressed in some usual and reasonable manner
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO In an executed contract, the obligation of ________:A. both the parties have been fulfilledB. both the parties are outstandingC. obligation of one party is outstandingD. none of these18. A contract with or by a minor is a:A. valid contractB. void contractC. voidable contractD. voidable at the option of either party19. The term consideration is defined in __ section of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.A. 2(a)B. 2(d)C. 3(a)D. 2(h)20. An agreement & contract are one and same thing:A. TrueB. FalseC. Depends on the situationD. None of these21. Two persons have the capacity to contract:A. If both are not of unsound mindB. If none is disqualified from contracting by any law to which he is subjectC. If both have attained the age of maturityD. All of the above22. A contract can be performed by:A. promisor himselfB. agent of the promisorC. legal representative of the promisorD. either of these three
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO In a contract not specifying the time for performance, the promisor can perform the contract:A. immediatelyB. within the shortest timeC. within a reasonable timeD. within next 21days24. When the consent of a party is not free, the contract is:A. voidB. voidableC. validD. illegal.25. In Case of Illegal agreements, the collateral agreements are:A. validB. voidC. voidableD. any of these.26. A agrees to sell his car worth ` 1,00,000 to B for ` 20,000 only and A’s consent was obtained bycoercion. Here, the agreement is:A. voidB. validC. voidableD. unlawful.27. Contract caused by which of following is voidable?1. Fraud2. Mis-representation3. Coercion4. Bilateral MistakeA. 1, 2, 3B. 2, 3, 4C. 1, 2, 4D. 1, 2, 3, 4
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO An insurance contract isA. Contingent contractB. Wagering agreementC. Unenforceable contractD. Void contract29. Agreement is defined in section of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.A. 2(c)B. 2(e)C. 2(g)D. 2(i)30. Every Contract is an agreement but every agreement is not a contract. This statement is -A. WrongB. CorrectC. Correct Subject to certain exceptionsD. Partially correct.Answer Key123456789101112131415CBABCBADDDCCABC161718192021222324252627282930CABBBDDCBBCAABB
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO 2. - Law of Partnerships31. A partnership firm comes into existence by agreement between all the partners, and suchagreement should bea) Express agreement only.b) Implied agreement only.c) Either express or implied.d) Registered32. A partnership deed usually contain the particulars relating toa) Name of firm and partners.b) Nature of business and duration of firm.c) Capital contribution, profit/loss sharing ration and other agreed terms.d) All of these.33. Can a company become a partner in a firm?a) Yes, as the company is regarded as person in legal sense of the term.b) No, as the partnership is an association of natural persons only34. A partner is the agent of the firm for the business of the firma) True, as the mutual agency relationship is the foundation of the law of partnership.b) False, as in that case a firm is reduced to the status of a mere agency.35. Which of the following statement about a minor partner is incorrect?a) A minor can be admitted only to the benefits of an existing firm.b) A minor cannot be admitted to the benefits of a new firm taking minor as partner.c) A minor cannot be a full-fledged partner in a firm.d) A minor can be a full-fledged partner in a firm36. A partnership where its duration is fixed and cannot be dissolved by any partner at his will, isknown asa) Particular partnershipb) General partnershipc) Partnership for fixed periodd) Partnership at will
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO Which one of the following is an unincorporated organisation?a) General partnership.b) Public limited company.c) Limited liability partnership.d) Private limited company.38. The maximum number of persons who are legally allowed to operate in a partnership is:a) 2b) 20c) There is no legal limitd) 10039. A partner who is entitled to a share of the profits from a partnership is known as:a) A salaried partner.b) A managing partner.c) An equity partner.d) A limited liability partner.40. Which one of the following statements about limited liability partnerships (LLPs) is incorrect?a) An LLP has a legal personality separate from that of its members.b) The liability of each partner in an LLP is limited.c) Members of an LLP are taxed as partners.d) A limited company can convert to an LLP.41. An organisation running a business has the following attributes: the assets belong to theorganisation, it can create a floating charge over its assets, change in membership does notalter its existence, and members cannot transfer their interests to others. What type oforganisation is it?a) A private limited companyb) A limited liability partnershipc) A general partnershipsd) A private limited company
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO What is the partnership written agreement known as?:a) Partnership contractb) Agreementc) Partnership deedd) Partnership Act43. Which is not a feature of a partnership business?a) Ease of formationb) Limited liabilityc) Limited lifed) Mutual agency44. Which kind of partnership one partner has unlimited liability and other partner have limitedliability?a) Partnership-at-willb) Limited partnershipc) General partnershipd) Particular partnership45. Which types of partnership have no agreement in terms of the duration of partnership?a) Partnership-at-willb) Limited partnershipc) General partnershipd) Particular partnership46. The LLP Act, 2008 came into force from:a) 31st March, 2008b) 31st March, 2009c) 1st April, 2008d) 1st April, 200947. Maximum number of partners in a LLP can be:a) 100b) 200c) 50d) Unlimited
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE45Subject – Business Regulatory Framework Class : TYB.COM (2013 Pattern)(Mercantile Law) (301)PROF . SWATI BHALERAO DPIN Stands Fora) Designated Partner Identification Numberb) Director Personal Identification Numberc) Director and Partner Identification Numberd) Direct Partner Identification Number49. LLP shall be Taxed Under Income Tax Act,1961 As ofa) Partnership Firmb) Companyc) Association of persond) HUF50. Minimum Number of Partner in LLPa) 1b) 2c) 3d) 451. Who cannot become partner in LLPa) Person has been found to be unsound mind.b) Person is an undischarged insolvent.c) Person has applied to be adjudicated as an insolvent.d) All of above52. A Person shall cease to be a partner of LLPa) On receiving advance from LLPb) On giving advance to LLPc) On his deathd) After completing age of 60 years53. Partner of LLP is personally liable in case ofa) Liabilities of LLPb) Personal liability of other partnerc) His own personal liabilityd) Wrongful act or omission of any other partner
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