- 1/18Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act,1996legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-9649-panchayat-extension-to-scheduled-areas-pesa-act-1996.htmlBy Bhaswat Prakash | Views 180571 2 Blogger1 pocket1The PESA Act was enacted in 1996 to provide for the extension of the provisions of PartIX of the Constitution relating to the Panchayats to the Scheduled Areas. (Other thanPanchayats, Part IX, comprising Articles 243 - 243 ZT of the Constitution, containsprovisions relating to Municipalities and Cooperative Societies.) Under the PESA Act,Scheduled Areas are those referred to in Article 244 (1), which says that the provisions ofthe Fifth Schedule shall apply to the Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes in statesother than Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram.The Fifth Schedule provides for a range of special provisions for these areas. The PESAAct gives special powers to the Gram Sabhas in Scheduled Areas, especially for themanagement of natural resources. The PESA Act was enacted in 1996 to provide for theextension of the provisions of Part IX of the Constitution related to the Panchayats to theScheduled Areas. Part IX of the Constitution, which consists of Articles 243 - 243 ZT,covers legislation related to municipalities and cooperative societies in addition toPanchayats. The Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act, 1996 wasintended to guarantee self-governance through Gram Sabhas (village assemblies) forthose residing in Scheduled Areas.The Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 or PESA is alaw enacted by the Government of India for ensuring self-governance through traditionalGram Sabhas for people living in the Scheduled Areas of India. Scheduled Areas areareas identified by the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution of India. Scheduled Areas arefound in ten states of India which have predominant population of tribal communities.The Scheduled Areas, were not covered by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment orPanchayati Raj Act of the Indian Constitution as provided in the Part IX of theConstitution. PESA was enacted on 24th December, 1996 to extend the provisions of PartIX of the Constitution to Scheduled Areas, with certain exceptions and modifications.PESA is an Act to provide for the extension of the provisions of Part IX of the Constitutionrelating to the Panchayats and the Scheduled Areas.PESA was viewed as a positive development for tribal communities in Scheduled Areaswho had earlier suffered tremendously from engagement with modern developmentprocesses and from the operation of both colonial laws and statutes made in independentIndia. The loss of access to forest, land, and other community resources had increasedtheir vulnerability.
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- 2/18Rampant land acquisition and displacement due to development projects had led to largescale distress in tribal communities living in Scheduled Areas. PESA was seen as apanacea for many of these vulnerabilities and sought to introduce a new paradigm ofdevelopment where the tribal communities in such Scheduled Areas were to decide bythemselves the pace and priorities of their development.Scheduled Areas mean the Scheduled Areas as referred to in Clause (1) of Article 244 ofthe Constitution. The Fifth Schedule of the Constitution of India, which mentionsScheduled Areas, is termed as a "Constitution within a Constitution". The Act extendedthe provisions of Panchayats to the tribal areas of ten states that have Fifth ScheduleAreas.What is PESA Act?PESA Act acknowledges the right of tribal communities, who live in Scheduled Areas, torule themselves using their own systems of self-government. The Act gives Gram Sabhasthe authority to play an important part in approving development plans and managing allsocial sectors. Ten states- Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh,Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, and Telangana- havedeclared Fifth Schedule areas that include (completely or partially) a number of theirdistricts.The PESA Act was enacted in 1996 to provide for the extension of the provisions of PartIX of the Constitution relating to the Panchayats to the Scheduled Areas. Part IX,comprising Articles 243 - 243 ZT of the Constitution, contains provisions relating tomunicipalities and cooperative societies.Provisions:The PESA act directed the state government to make Gram Sabha and Panchayatsfunction as Institutions of Local Self Governance, specifically on matters of:1. Enforcing the prohibition of sale and consumption of intoxicants2. Ownership of minor forest produce3. The authority to oversee village markets4. Restore unlawfully alienated land, and prevent land alienation5. Control over money lending, etc.The PESA also gave the Scheduled Areas Gram Sabha the authority to approveplans and programs for:1. Social and economic development2. Certifying utilization of funds by gram Panchayats3. Identification of beneficiaries under poverty alleviation programs4. Protect natural resources, including minor forest produce5. Gram Sabha is to be consulted before land acquisition
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- 3/18Some other provisions:1. Gram Sabha to preserve indigenous traditions, beliefs, and culture2. Gram Sabha to resolve the local disputes3. Management and protection of common properties based on their traditionalsystems is to be done by Gram Sabha4. The administration must consult gram Sabha before land acquisition5. Gram Sabha holds the right to control the distillation, prohibition, and manufactureof intoxicants / liquor.Objectives:1. To ensure self-governance through Gram Sabhas (village assemblies) for peopleliving in the Scheduled Areas.2. It recognises the right of tribal communities, who are residents of the ScheduledAreas, to govern themselves through their own systems of self-government, andalso acknowledges their traditional rights over natural resources.3. Empowers Gram Sabhas to play a key role in approving development plans andcontrolling all social sectors.What is the Significance of Implementing the Act?1. Democratic Decentralisation:PESA empowers Gram Sabhas to play a key role in approving development plansand controlling all social sectors.This includes management of:a. Resources over Jal, Jangal, Zameen (water, forest and land)b. Minor forest produce2. Human resources: Processes and personnel who implement policies:a. Managing local marketsb. Preventing land alienationc. Regulating intoxicants among other things3. Preserving Identity:The powers of Gram Sabha's include maintenance of cultural identity and tradition,control over schemes affecting the tribals, and control over natural resources withinthe area of a village.
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- 4/184. Conflict Resolution:The PESA Act thus enables Gram Sabhas to maintain a safety net over their rightsand surroundings against external or internal conflicts.5. Public Watchdog:The Gram Sabha would have the powers to monitor and prohibit the manufacturing,transport, sale and consumption of intoxicants within their village limits.What are the Issues Related to PESA?1. Partial Implementation:The state governments are supposed to enact state laws for their Scheduled Areasin consonance with this national lawa. This has resulted in the partially implemented PESA.b. The partial implementation has worsened self-governance in Adivasi areas,like in Jharkhand.2. Administrative Hurdles:Many experts have asserted that PESA did not deliver due to the lack of clarity,legal infirmity, bureaucratic apathy, absence of political will, resistance to change inthe hierarchy of power, and so on.3. Followed in Letter Rather than Spirit:Social audits conducted across the state have also pointed out that in realitydifferent developmental schemes were being approved on paper by Gram Sabha,without actually having any meeting for discussion and decision making.4. PESA Act only applies to areas that are recognized as Scheduled Areas by law.This legislation does not apply to a sizable portion of tribals who reside outside theareas regarded as the scheduled areas.5. Panchayats have not been given enough authority to levy and collect taxes, fees, orother levies.6. State Finance Commission decisions are only selectively implemented, givingPanchayats no real power in practice.7. Gram Sabha is the primary tool for successfully implementing PESA by empoweringthe tribal people to manage their own affairs in a mostly autonomous manner.Though, in reality, they are subordinate to other state legislatures and extraneousforces like the forest department. It compromises PESA's primary objectives.
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- 5/18How are Tribals and their Rights Protected in India?a. In India, most of the tribes are collectively identified under Article 342 (1&2) as"Scheduled Tribes".b. Their right to self-determination is guaranteed by Part X: The Scheduled and TribalAreas - Article 244: Administration of Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas.c. That is, Fifth and Sixth Schedules of the Indian Constitution.d. The Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 orPESA.e. The Tribal Panchsheel Policy (non-imposition by encouraging self-governance)f. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of ForestRights) Act, 2006 concerns the rights of forest-dwelling communities to land andother resources.About PESA Act, 1996a. To promote local self-governance in rural India, the 73rd constitutional amendmentwas made in 1992.b. Through this amendment, a three-tier Panchayati Raj Institution was made into alaw.c. However, its application to the scheduled and tribal areas under Article 243 (M) wasrestricted.d. After the Bhuria Committee recommendations in 1995, Panchayat Extension toScheduled Areas (PESA) Act 1996 came into existence for ensuring tribal self-rulefor people living in scheduled areas of India.e. The PESA conferred the absolute powers to Gram Sabha, whereas StateLegislature has given an advisory role to ensure the proper functioning ofPanchayats and Gram Sabhas.f. The power delegated to Gram Sabha cannot be curtailed by a higher level, andthere shall be independence throughout.g. The PESA is considered to be the backbone of tribal legislation in India.h. PESA recognises the traditional system of the decision-making process and standsfor the peoples' self-governance.Following powers and functions have been provided to the GramSabhas:1. Right to mandatory consultation in land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitationof displaced persons.2. Protection of traditional belief, the culture of the tribal communities3. Ownership of minor forest products4. Resolution of the local disputes
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- 6/185. Prevention of land alienation6. Management of village markets7. Right to control production, distillation, and prohibition of liquor8. Exercise of control over money-lending9. Any other rights involving the Scheduled Tribes.The law does not automatically cover the Scheduled Area, so, on the recommendation ofthe Bhuria Committee Report submitted in 1995, PESA Act was enacted. The Act wasenacted in December 1996 for the extension of laws made under the 73rd constitutionalamendment to the scheduled areas, to enable Tribal Self Rule in these areas.The PESA Act extended the provisions of Panchayats to the tribal areas. The act passedon the resources, responsibility, and decision-making from the central government to thelowest unit of governance, the Gram Sabha or the Village Assembly. Most of the North-eastern states under the 6th Schedule where autonomous councils for governance existare not covered by PESA.The Adivasi self-governance system has disappeared from most of the areas inJharkhand. During most of the time in history, most of the Adivasis (India's tribalcommunities) had their own federal governance system. However, the administrativesystems during the colonial period and after independence affected the Adivasigovernance system to a great extent. The Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas(PESA) Act, 1996 was supposed to uphold the traditional decision-making process.Key Highlights:Case Study - Tribal Governance System of Jharkhand:1. Jharkhand was carved out as the 28th state of India from the Southern part of Biharin 2000. This part was distinctively different from the northern part of Bihar in termsof geography and social composition. It has 32 different tribes, including the nineParticularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG).2. According to Census 2001, Santhal (34%), Oraon (19.6%), Munda (14.8%) and Ho(10.5%) are among the major tribes in terms of numbers. The entire social systemwas organised into three functional levels across major tribal communities in thestate.3. The first one is at the village level; the second at the cluster of five-six village levelsand the third at community levels.4. These decision-making processes were considered people-centric and democratic,although women were mostly not allowed to participate in such processes.5. They had their own system of governance, which was, unlike the caste system,non-hierarchical. Every tribal village had a village council as the basic unit for self-governance.6. These forums used to act as the decision-making bodies for all matters related toadministration, the Parliament and judiciary.
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- 7/187. The administrative matters were related to maintenance of village commons (suchas lands, forests and water bodies), labour sharing, agriculture activities, religiousevents and festivals, etc.8. The parliamentary matters were related to upholding and interpreting norms andunwritten laws and traditional values.9. The judiciary matters were related to managing conflict, disciplinary actions, etcguided by unwritten norms and values.Gradual Collapse of the System:1. After the introduction of the Bihar Panchayat Raj System (BPRS) in 1947, theseAdivasi traditional governance systems became weak.2. BPRS was formed keeping the non-Adivasi areas in view.3. As a result, due to the non-priority and neglect, the process of the traditionalgovernance system was affected.4. This was aggravated by industrialisation, displacement of Adivasis andurbanisation.Bhuria CommitteeThe government appointed a committee headed by Mr. Dileep Singh Bhuria to work outthe details as to how structures similar to Panchayati Raj Institutions can take shape inTribal Areas and Scheduled Areas and define their powers. The Bhuria Committeesubmitted its report in January 1995.The Committee recommended a three-tier structure of self-governance in the tribalareas, those are:a. Gram Sabha - Every habitation community to have a Gram Sabha which willexercise command over natural resources, resolve disputes and manageinstitutions under it like schools and cooperatives.b. Gram Panchayat - An elected body of representatives of each Gram Sabha, alsofunctions as an appellate authority for unresolved disputes at the lower level.c. A block or taluka level body is the next higher level.Role of governors in Scheduled Areas and in implementation ofPESAPESA is implemented in Scheduled Areas. The Scheduled Areas are governed by theprovisions of the Fifth schedule of the Constitution. The Fifth schedule gives to the
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- 8/18governors of the ten scheduled area states very important functions. While,constitutionally, in most matters of governance the governors are aided and advised bythe Council of Ministers, it may not be so in matters concerning the Scheduled Areas.As per Para 3 of the Fifth Schedule "the Governor of each State having Scheduled Areastherein shall annually, or whenever so required by the President, make a report to thePresident regarding the administration of the Scheduled Areas in that State and theexecutive power of the Union shall extend to the giving of directions to the State as to theadministration of the said areas."The Attorney General of India had advised the Home Ministry that the role of theGovernor in sending this report is discretionary. An even more significant role of theGovernor in scheduled areas arises out of the powers inherent in Sub-Para (1) of Para 5of the Fifth Schedule. As per the sub-Para "5.Law applicable to Scheduled Areas:1. Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, the Governor may by publicnotification direct that any particular Act of Parliament or of the Legislature of theState shall not apply to a Scheduled Area or any part thereof in the State or shallapply to a Scheduled Area or any part thereof in the State subject to suchexceptions and modifications as he may specify in the notification and any directiongiven under this sub-paragraph may be given so as to have retrospective effect." Ithas been alleged that Governors of most states have not been able to send allreports on time and the content of the reports also does not do justice to thisConstitutional responsibility.The above provision gives to the Governor of a Schedule Areas a very significant power"notwithstanding anything in the Constitution". This power, unlike the power in Sub-Para(2) of Para 5 (regulation making powers) is bound neither by the advice of the TribesAdvisory Council or the assent of the President. The provision lays down theresponsibility on the Governor to ensure that laws that are contrary to the interests ofScheduled Areas may be suitably modified.However, it has been alleged that Governors of Scheduled Areas (barring a fewexception) have hardly ever used these powers independently. There have been alsodemands that the Reports prepared by the Governors should be made public. However,recently Maharashtra Governor has issued a number of notifications to bring the statesubject laws in line with PESA and to guarantee minor forest produce to Gram Sabha.Certain steps have also been taken to ensure peace and good governance in such areas.A Group of Governors on the Areas under Schedule V of the Constitution and RelatedIssues'- was constituted by President Pranab Mukherjee, included Governors of AndhraPradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Rajasthan andMadhya Pradesh, with Governor of Maharashtra and Minister of Tribal Affairs,Government of India - as special invitees.
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- 9/18The Group recommended a number of interventions such as constitution of a TribesAdvisory Council in Schedule V States on a uniform pattern, drafting of a uniformmodel for Tribal Sub Plan Budget Allocations, making TSP allocations non-transferableand non-lapsable, declaring all TSP districts as 'High Priority Districts' under NationalRural Health Mission, protecting land rights of tribal communities, etc. The Prime Ministerof India in the Conference of Governors held in 2013 advised the Governors of Fifthscheduled States to use their Fifth schedule powers and to implement PESA effectively.How is the PESA Act, 1996 supposed to work?The PESA Act was enacted to ensure self-governance through Gram Sabhas (villageassemblies) for people living in the Scheduled Areas. It recognises the right of tribalcommunities, who are residents of the Scheduled Areas, to govern themselves throughtheir own systems of self-government, and also acknowledges their traditional rights overnatural resources.In pursuance of this objective, the Act empowers Gram Sabhas to play a key role inapproving development plans and controlling all social sectors. This includes theprocesses and personnel who implement policies, exercising control over minor (non-timber) forest resources, minor water bodies and minor minerals, managing localmarkets, preventing land alienation and regulating intoxicants among other things.State governments are expected to amend their respective Panchayati Raj Acts withoutmaking any law that would be inconsistent with the mandate of PESA. Ten states -Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, and Telangana - have notified Fifth Schedule areas thatcover (partially or fully) several districts in each of these states. After the PESA Act wasenacted, the central Ministry of Panchayati Raj circulated model PESA Rules. So far, sixstates have notified these Rules, including Gujarat.What is the issue in Gujarat?Gujarat notified the State PESA Rules in January 2017, and made them applicable in4,503 Gram Sabhas under 2,584 village panchayats in 50 tribal talukas in eight districts ofthe state.At an event held in the tribal district of Chhota Udepur in December 2020, then ChiefMinister Vijay Rupani hailed the Act as the golden period of tribal development, promisinga separate security force for the Gram Sabhas that would have complete power to decidetheir issues.However, while the provisions of the law deem the Gram Sabhas as most competent todeal with matters related to their territories for safeguarding their customs, traditions aswell as the natural resources in the tribal areas, the Act has not been enforced in letterand spirit, legal experts say.
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- 10/18Advocate Bhushan Oza, who has been representing tribal groups in their petitionspending before authorities and courts with respect to the tribal rights, says that theimplementation of the Act is in contrast to what it promises.Oza had told The Indian Express in 2020 that Despite Section 4 (a) and 4 (d) statingexplicitly that the government cannot make any law at the state level or the Central levelin matters concerning the tribal areas, tribals have never been taken into confidencebefore their lands are acquired or projects planned in their places of habitat. The PESAAct is rooted in the cultural and traditional practices of the tribal community, and vestsultimate power to the Gram Sabha to make administrative decisions. But that is not theground reality.Oza also said that although the PESA Act lays down that the state must conduct electionsin such a way that the tribal representation is to be dominant in the Gram SabhaCommittees, there has been no attempt to proportionally increase the representation.Robust implementation of PESA in areas notified under the Fifth Schedule in Gujarat hasbeen a major contention of the Bharatiya Tribal Party (BTP) led by MLAs Chhotu Vasavaand Mahesh Vasava. BTP chief Chhotu Vasava has said the implementation of PESAwas an absolute condition for his party's alliance with the AAP for the Assembly electionsscheduled for later this year.Implementation of PESA at certain State LevelImplementation of PESA in Maharashtra and Role of Governor under the FifthScheduleA number of steps have been taken in the past few years by the Governor of Maharashtrato fulfil his mandate under the Fifth Schedule and to ensure implementation of PESA inMaharashtra.
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