Financial Markets and Banking Operations MCQs
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Alex Rao Gaba
- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil.’s206HRM: Employee Relations and Labour LegislationsBackground of Employee Question Answer1Industrial Relation refer toa) Central Government and State Government relations.b) Employer, Employees and Government relationshipc) management and Customers relationshipd) Government and Public relations.b2Who is known as ‘safety valve’ in the field of industrial relations ?a) Employerb) Trade Unionc) Safety officerd) Welfare officer.d3Which one of the following cannot be included under the purviewof industrial relations?a) Relations between trade unions and trade unionsb) Relations between employers and trade unionsc) Relations between employers and customersd) Relations between state, employer and trade unionsc4Absence of strikes and lock-outs is an indicator ofa) Peaceful industrial relationsb) Friendly industrial relationsc) Disturbed industrial relationd) None of the abovea5The Government’s strategy in maintaining industrial relations inIndia isa) Laissez fairb) Total interventionc
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. Required intervention.d) none of the above6Bipartite industrial relations include relations between:a) Management and unionsb) Union and governmentc) Management & Governmentd) Management, Government & Uniona7Which of the following machinery cannot be said to be bipartitemachinery in the field of industrial relations?a) Works CommitteeJoint Management Councildc) Shop Level Councilcd) Canteen committee.d8Which of the following cannot be said to be tripartite machinery inthe field of industrial relations?a) Indian Labour Conferenceb) Standing Labour Committeec) International Labour Organisationd) Wage board.d9Which of the following is said to be an important aspect ofindustrial relations?a) Profit and loss of the organisationb) Future expansion programmec) Conflict and co-operation.d) Quality Controlc10Which of the following ministries looks after industrial relationssituation in the country?a) Ministry of Home Affairb) Ministry of Human Resource Developmentc) Ministry of Welfared) Ministry of Labour and employment.d
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. one of the following international organisations is directlyrelated to industrial relations?a) United Nations Organisationb) UNESCOc) World Health Organisationd) International Labour Organisationd12Which of the following areas cannot be directly included in thefield of industrial relations?a) Trade Union Recognitionb) Strike and Lock-outc) Minimum wages, Fair wages and Living wages.d) Collective bargainingc13Which of the following legislations cannot be included in thecategory of industrial relations legislations in India?a) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947b) Trade Union Act, 1926c) Industrial Employment (Standing orders)Act, 1946.d) Equal Remuneration Act. 1976d14Which of the following is not included under industrial relationspolicy of a country?a) Recognition of trade unions and collective bargaining.b) Restrictions on strikes and lock-outs.c) Workers participation in managementd) Principles of wages determination.d15Which of the following regulates industrial relations in India?a) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and Trade Unions Act, 1926.b) Industrial Employment (Standing orders) Act, 1946c) Code of Discipline and Inter-union Code of Conductd) All of the above.d16Peaceful industrial relations denote:d
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. Absence of strike and lock outb) Emphasis on bipartite.c) Co-operation between the partiesd) All of the above.17Identify the major actor of industrial relations from the followinga) Employersb) Unionsc) Governmentd) all of the aboved18Parties to industrial relations area) ILO, Government, Association of employersb) ILO, Government, IMFc) ILO, Board of Directors, Association of employersd) Government, Board of Directors, Association of employersa19A proactive industrial relations programme must cover thefollowing decision(s)a) Communicationb) Competencec) Discipline and conflictd) All of the aboved20Characteristics of Industrial Relations do not include:a) Industrial Relations are outcome of employmentrelationship in an industrial enterprise.b) Industrial Relations promote the skills and methods ofadjustment and co-operation with each other.c) Industrial Relations create complex rules and regulations tomaintain cordial relations.d) Industrial Relations system creates an environment ofdistrust and conflictd21The constitution of India upholds the principle ‘Freedom ofAssociation’ as a fundamental right enunciated by I. L. O.b
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. ina) Article 20(C)b) Article 19(C)c) Article 24(C)d) Article 18(C)22Which of the following is not a determinant factor of industrialrelations?a) Institutional factorsb) Economic factorsc) Technological factorsd) Social stratification factorsd23Who are not the actors according to Dunlop’s framework ofindustrial relations system?a) Managers and their representativesb) Workers and their organisationsc) Specialized government agenciesd) Communities and their associationsd24The structure of I.L.O. includesa) an International Labour Conferenceb) a Governing Bodyc) an International Labour Officed) All the aboved25Identify the major actor of industrial relations from the followinga) Employersb) Unionsc) Governmentd) all of the aboved26Which of the following approaches assumes that theunderstanding of industrial relations requires an understandinga
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. the capitalised society?a) Marxist approachb) Gandhian approachc) Human relations approachd) Giri approach27Which of the following approaches assumes that voluntarynegotiations between employers and employees are a means ofsettling disputes?a) Marxist approachb) Giri approachc) Human relations approachd) Gandhian approachb28Which of the following approaches insists on investigating theunderlying trends and patterns in the cause and effect ofindustrial disputes?a) Gandhian approachb) Giri approachc) Industrial sociology approachd) Pluralist approachc29Which of the following is usually not an objective of industrialrelations?a) Connectednessb) Collective wisdomc) Conflict preventiond) None of the abovea30What is the meaning of Employment relations?a) Relationship between worker and workersb) Relationship between employer and employersc) Relationship between management and workersd)None of the abovec
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. for harmonious ER:31Which of the following statements about workers’ participation inManagement in India is not true?a)It is a part of the 20 point Economic programme.b)It is provided in the Directive Principles of State Policy.c)It is made a Constitutional provision under the 42ndAmendmentAct.d)It is a justice able right of the workers.d32Which one of the following is not a machinery for settlement ofIndustrial Disputes under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?a) Conciliation Officerb) Board of Conciliationc) Collective Bargainingd) Labour Courtc33Which are not the characteristics of grievances?a) Factualb) Fabricatedc) Disguisedd) Imaginaryb34Which of the following cannot be said to be an objective ofWorkers’ Participation in Management?a) To associate in decision making process of the organization.b) To satisfy the urge of self-expression of workers.c) To promote a conducive environment in the organisation.d) To promote higher income and better conditions ofemployment for workers.d35Which of the following is an outcome of collectivebargaining?a) Award of Labour Courtb) Award of Tribunald
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. Arbitration Awardd) Consent Award36Identify the functions of Joint Management Council:a) Information sharingb) Consultativec) Administratived) All the aboved37By which amendment the provisions of Workers’ Participation inManagement was incorporated in the Indian Constitution?a) 41b) 42c) 43d) 44c38Find out the characteristics of collective bargaining which is notapplicable;a) It is a collective process.b) It is a flexible process.c) It is not a bipartite process.d) It is interdisciplinary system.c39Which of the following is not a mode of Workers’ Participation inManagement?a) Works Committeeb) Employee Stock Option Planc) Joint Management Councild) Joint Committee for Policy Formulationb40In which type of collective bargaining workers lose somethinginstead of gaining?a) Concession Bargainingb) Coalition Bargainingc) Productivity Bargaininga
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. All the above41The method of collective bargaining refers to:a) Negotiations between Employer, workers and GovernmentRepresentative.b) Negotiations between Employer’s representative and Tradeunion’s Representative.c) Negotiations between Employers and the Government.d) Negotiations between Employer, and Customers.b42Who has first made use of the term Collective Bargaining?a) G.D.H., Cole.b) Samuel Gompers.c) Sidney Webb.d) Robert Owen.c43Which of the following is helpful in the process of collectivebargaininga) Conciliation and Mediation.b) Voluntary Arbitration.c) Adjudication.d) None of the above.a44If representatives of an employer and trade union meet togetherand discuss the terms and conditions of employment with a viewto reaching and agreement, the process is called :a) Collective Bargaining.b) Join Consultation.c) Worker’s Publication and Managementd) Arbitration.a45An agreement arrived at by the parties and approved by a LabourCourt or Tribunal is called:a) Award.b) Settlement.c) Consent Awardc
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHDr.Deepali S.Patil. None of the above.46Which of the following weakens collective bargaining?a. Inter-union rivalriesb. Absence of a collective bargaining legislationc. Hostility among the partiesd. All the above.d47According to V.V.Giri, which one is the best method for thesettlement of industrial disputes?a) Conciliation. b) Mediation.c) Adjudication. d) Collective Bargaining.d48When a dispute is settled by the process of collective bargaining,the document arrived a, is called :a) Settlement. b) Agreementc) Judgment. d) Award.b49When an agreement is arrived at in the process of collectivebargaining and is registered with the conciliation officer, it iscalleda) Settlement.b) Converted Settlement.c) Bi-partite agreement.d) None of the above.b50The definition of collective bargaining that it is “negotiationsabout working conditions and terms of employment between anemployer, a group of employers or one or more employersorganisations on the one hand, and one or more representativeworkers organisations on the other, with a view to reachingagreement” was given by :a) Allen Flenderb) Sidney & Beatrice Webbs.c) International Labour Organisationd) Dankert.c
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