C programming paper

Question Paper 1 Pages

Contributed by

Himanshu raut
  • NRT/KS/19/2207
    Bachelor of Computer Application (B.C.A.) Semester–I Examination
    Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 50
    N.B. :— (1) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
    (2) Draw well labelled diagram wherever necessary.
    1. (a) What do you understand by programming structure ? Explain in brief. 5
    (b) Define flowchart. Draw a flowchart to find greatest among three numbers. 5
    (c) Define algorithm. Write an algorithm to find whether a given year is leap year or not. 5
    (d) Give the difference between algorithm and pseudocode. 5
    2. (a) What is data type ? Explain different data types supported by 'C-language'. 5
    (b) Write and explain a program in 'C' to print half pyramid using alphabets as given below :
    B B
    C C C
    D D D D
    E E E E E 5
    (c) What is ternary operator ? Explain giving suitable example. 5
    (d) Write a program in 'C' to print numbers from 1 to N using while loop. 5
    3. (a) Define array. Write a program in 'C' to delete an element from one dimensional array at a given
    position. 5
    (b) Write any five string manipulation functions provided by 'C' language ? Explain with suitable
    example. 5
    (c) Write a program in 'C' to illustrate function with :
    No argument and no return value. 5
    (d) What is storage class ? Explain various storage classes with suitable examples. 5
    4. (a) Give the difference between structure and union. 5
    (b) How will you declare pointer to pointer ? Write a 'C' program to read two integers and determine
    bigger of the two with the help of function big( ) returning an integer pointer. 5
    (c) What is file ? Describe various modes to open a file with suitable examples. 5
    (d) (i) Create a structure student with the members Roll_ No, Name, Marks.
    (ii) Create the instances s1 and s2 of structure student.
    (iii) Assign data to s1 using scanf( ) function.
    (iv) Give the memory representation of s1. 5
    5. (a) If a = 10, b = 20 then c = (a++) + (– –b) + 10 and find the value of a, b, c.
    (b) Differentiate between break and continue statement.
    (c) Illustrate with example formal and default argument.
    (d) Differentiate between sequential and random access.

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