- MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITYSCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION(MGU – CBCSS – UG – SDE 2012)B.Sc Computer ScienceSemester VBCS 601 Core -24 : Parallel ProcessingMultiple Choice questions1. A collection of lines that connects several devices is called ..............A. busB. peripheral connection wiresC. Both a and bD. internal wires2. A complete microcomputer system consist of ...........A. microprocessorB. memoryC. peripheral equipmentD. all of the above3. PC Program Counter is also called ...................A. instruction pointerB. memory pointerC. data counterD. file pointer4. In a single byte how many bits will be there?A. 8B. 16C. 4D. 325. CPU does not perform the operation ..................A. data transferB. logic operationC. arithmetic operationD. all of the above6. The access time of memory is ............... the time required for performing any single CPUoperation.A. Longer thanB. Shorter thanC. Negligible thanD. Same as7. Memory address refers to the successive memory words and the machine is called as ............A. word addressable
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- B. byte addressableC. bit addressableD. Terra byte addressable8. A microprogram written as string of 0's and 1's is a .............A. Symbolic microinstructionB. binary microinstructionC. symbolic microinstructionD. binary micro-program9. A pipeline is like ....................A. an automobile assembly lineB. house pipelineC. both a and bD. a gas line10. Data hazards occur when .....................A. Greater performance lossB. Pipeline changes the order of read/write access to operandsC. Some functional unit is not fully pipelinedD. Machine size is limited11. Processors of all computers, whether micro, mini or mainframe must haveA. ALUB. Primary StorageC. Control unitD. All of above12. What is the control unit's function in the CPU?A. To transfer data to primary storageB. to store program instructionC. to perform logic operationsD. to decode program instruction13. What is meant by a dedicated computer?A. which is used by one person onlyB. which is assigned to one and only one taskC. which does one kind of softwareD. which is meant for application software only14. The most common addressing techiniques employed by a CPU isA. immediateB. directC. indirectD. registerE. all of the above
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- 15. Pipeline implementA. fetch instructionB. decode instructionC. fetch operandD. calculate operandE. execute instructionF. all of abve16. Which of the following code is used in present day computing was developed by IBMcorporation?A. ASCIIB. Hollerith CodeC. Baudot codeD. EBCDIC code17. When a subroutine is called, the address of the instruction following the CALL instructionsstored in/on theA. stack pointerB. accumulatorC. program counterD. Stack18. A microprogram written as string of 0's and 1's is aA. symbolic microinstructionB. binary microinstructionC. symbolic microprogramD. binary microprogram19. Interrupts which are initiated by an instruction areA. internalB. externalC. hardwareD. Software20. Memory access in RISC architecture is limited to instructionsA. CALL and RETB. PUSH and POPC. STA and LDAD. MOV and JMP21. From where interrupts are generated?A)Central processing unitB) Memory chipsC) RegistersD) I/O devices22. The output of a gate is low when at least one of its input is low . It is true for
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- A)AND gateB) OR gateC) NAND gateD) NOR gate23. Which one of the following is most suitable to make a parity checkerA) AND gateB) OR gateC) Exclusive- OR gateD) None of the above24What is the minimum number of flip-flops required in a counter to count 100 pulses?A)FiveB) sevenC) TenD) hundred25. For a RS flip-flop constructed with NAND gates and input R=1 and s=1 the state isA) Memory stateB) Set stateC) Reset stateD) Unused state26. The advantage of RISC processor over CISC processor is thatA) The hardware architecture is simplerB) An instruction can be executed in one cycleC) Less number of registers accommodate in chipD) Parallel execution capabilities27. Which of the following is true about interrupts?A) They are generated when memory cycles are stolenB) They are used in place of data channelsC) They can be generated by arithmetic operationD) They can indicate completion of an I/O operation28. Te devices connected to a microprocessor can use the data bus:A) all the time
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- B) at regular interval of timeC) only when it’s sending or receiving dataD) when the microprocessor is reset29. Intel 8080 microprocessor has an instruction set of 91 instruction . The opcode to implementthis instruction set should be at leastA) 3 bit longB) 5 bit longC) 7 bit longD) 9 bit long30. Dynamic RAMs are best suited toA) slow systemB) large systemC) one bit systemD) none of the above31. Intel Pentium CPU is aA. RISC basedB. CISC basedC. Both of the aboveD. None of the above32. A modem is used to link up two computers viaA. telephone lineB. dedicated lineC. Both of the aboveD. None of the above33. The maximum integer which can be stored on a 8 bit accumulator isA. 112B. 200C. 255D. 22434. In a system with a 16 bit address bus, what is the maximum number of 1K byte memory devicesit could containA. 16B. 64C. 256D. 6553635. Which of the following memories in a computer is volatile?A. RAMB. ROM
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- C. EPROMD. ALL36. A peripheral isA. any drives installed in the computerB. tapedrive connected to a computerC. any physical device connected to the computerD. None of above37. How many bits do you think will be adequate to encode individual character in Devnagari scriptA. 12B. 16C. 64D. 1038. Which of the following bus is used to transfer data from main memory to peripheral device?A. DMA busB. Output busC. Data busD.All of the above39. To provide increased memory capacity for operating system, theA. virtual memory is createdB. cache memory is increasedC. memory for OS is reservedD. Additional memory is installed40. CD -RAW isA. Input device onlyB. output device onlyC. Both of the aboveD. None of the above41. Which of the following require large computer memory?A. ImagingB. GraphicsC. VoiceD. All of the above42. Which major development led to the production of microcomputers?A. Magnetic disksB. floppy disksC. Logic gatesD. Integrated Circuits43. In immediate addressing the operand is placedA. in the CPU registerB. after opcode in the instructionC. in the memoryD. in the stack44. Micro instructions are stored in
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- A. computer memoryB. primary storageC. secondary storageD. control memoryE. cache memory45. Pipeline processing implementA. fetch instructionB. decode instructionC. fetch operandD. calculate operandE. execute instructionF. all of the above46. The 16- bit registers in 8085 isA. general purpose registerB. accumulatorC. stack pointer and program counterD. all of the above47. Instruction pipelining has minimum stagesA. 4B. 2C. 3D. 648. Systems that do not have parallel processing capabilities areA. SISDB. SIMDC. MIMDD. All of the above49. The word size of the microprocessor refers toA. the amount of a information that can be stored in a byteB. the amount of a information that can be stored in a cycle **C. The number of machine operations performed in a secondD. the maximum length of an English word that can be input to a computer50. How many address lines are needed to address each memory location in a 2048X 4 memorychip?A. 10B. 11C. 8D. 1251. Who is regarded as the founder of Computer Architecture?A. Alan TuringB. Konrad ZuseC. John von NeumannD. John William MauchlyE. None of the answers above is correct52. What is characteristic for the organization of a computer
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- architecture?A. SizeB. Dynamic behaviourC. Static behaviourD. SpeedE. None of the answers above is correct53. What is usually regarded as the von Neumann Bottleneck?A. Processor/memory interfaceB. Control unitC. Arithmetic logical unitD. Instruction setE. None of the answers above is correct54. How does the number of transistors per chip increaseaccording to Moore s law?A. QuadraticallyB. LinearlyC. CubiclyD. ExponentiallyE. None of the answers above is correct55. Who is regarded as the founder of Computer Science?A. Alan TuringB. Konrad ZuseC. J. Presper EckertD. John William MauchlyE. None of the answers above is correct56. Which is the fastest storage unit in a usual memoryhierarchy?A. CacheB. Main memoryC. Hard diskD. RegisterE. None of the answers above is correct57. Which cache miss does not occur in case of a fully associative cache?A. Conflict missB. Capacity missC. Compulsory missD. Cold start missE. None of the answers above is correct58. Which miss even occurs in infinite caches?A. Coherence missB. Capacity missC. Conflict missD. Cold start missE. None of the answers above is correct59. What is stored in a Translation Lookaside Buffer?A. System dumps
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- B. Physical addressesC. rogram dataD. Operating system log filesE. None of the answers above is correct50. Which value has the speedup of a parallel program thatachieves an efficiency of 75% on 32 processors?A. 18B. 24C. 16D. 20E. None of the answers above is correct61. Pipelining strategy is called implement[A] instruction execution[B] instruction prefetch[C] instruction decoding[D] instruction manipulation62. The concept of pipelining is most effective in improving performance if the tasks beingperformed in different stages :[A] require different amount of time[B] require about the same amount of time[C] require different amount of time with time difference between any two tasks being same[D] require different amount with time difference between any two tasks being different63. Which Algorithm is better choice for pipelining?[A] Small Algorithm[B] Hash Algorithm[C] Merge-Sort Algorithm [[D] Quick-Sort Algorithm64. The expression 'delayed load' is used in context of[A] processor-printer communication[B] memory-monitor communication[C] pipelining[D] none of the above65. Parallel processing may occur[A] in the instruction stream[B] in the data stream
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- [C] both[A] and [B][D] none of the above66. The cost of a parallel processing is primarily determined by :[A] Time Complexity[B] Switching Complexity[C] Circuit Complexity[D] None of the above67. An instruction to provide small delay in program[A] LDA[B] NOP[C] BEA[D] None of the above68. Characteristic of RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) instruction set is[A] three instructions per cycle[B] two instructions per cycle[C] one instruction per cycle[D] none of the69. In daisy-chaining priority method, all the devices that can request an interrupt are connected in[A] parallel[B] serial[C] random[D] none of the above70. Which one of the following is a characteristic of CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) [A]Fixed format instructions[B] Variable format instructions[C] Instructions are executed by hardware[D] None of the above71. During the execution of the instructions, a copy of the instructions is placed in the______ .A. RegisterB. RAMC. System heapD. Cache72. Two processors A and B have clock frequencies of 700 Mhz and 900 Mhz respectively. SupposeA can execute an instruction with an average of 3 steps and B can execute with an average of 5steps. For the execution of the same instruction which processor is faster ?A. A
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