- PAPER IVHISTORY OF THE MUGHALSMULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS:1. Who wrote Akbar Nama?(a) Akbar(b) AbulFazl(c) Faizi(d) Humayun2. The Battle of Khanua was fought between:(a) Babur and Ibrahim Lodi(b) Babur and Jai Singh(c) Babur and RanaSanga(d) Babur and MediniRao3. The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between:(a) Humayun and Sher Shah(b) Bairam Khan and Hemu(c) Humayun and Hemu(d) Akbar and Hemu4. Who was the Author of HumayunNama?(a) Humayun(b) Gulbadan Begum(c) Roshannara(d) Akbar5. The First Battle of Panipat (1526) marked the beginning of(a) Mughal Rule in India(b) Afghan Rule in India(c) Turkish rule in India(d) Rajput Rule in India6. After Panipat, Babur had to face with the problem of dealing with the powerful forces of:(a) Rajputs(b) Afghans(c) Lodis(d) Marathas8. Babur’s Tuzuk or Memoir is rightly classified as a classic of:(a) World literature(b) Indian literature(c) Muslim literature(d) Classic Literature9. Babur wrote his memoir Tuzuk-i-Baburi in his mother tongue which was:(a) Persian(b) Arabic
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- (c) Turkish or Turki(d) Sanskrit10. The Mughals were descendants of the(a) Mongols(b) Chaghtai Turk Mongols(c) Turks(d) Afghans11. Before the advent of Babur in India, the centre point of the struggle for Transoxiana inCentral Asia was the control over(a) Samarqand(b) Farghana(c) Kabul(d) Khurasan12. Babur was a descendant of(a) Timur(b) Chingiz Khan(c) Both (a) and (b)(d) None of the above13. On the eve of Babur’s invasion, the Sultan of Delhi was(a) Daulat Khan Lodi(b) Sikandar Lodi(c) Mahmud Lodi(d) Ibrahim Lodi14. Akbar ascended the throne in(a) 1526(b) 1554(c) 1556(d) 156015. Akbar ascended the throne at the age of(a) 10 years(b) 11 years(c) 12 years(d) 13 years16. Bairam Khan, the Regent of Akbar, was assassinated on his journey to Mecca by(a) Akbar(b) Jehangir(c) AbulFazl(d) An Afghan17. Who fought the Battle of Kanauj on May, 1540?(a) Babur and Sher Shah(b) Humayun and Sher Shah(c) Humayun and Mahmud Lodi(d) Humayun and Bahadur Shah
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- 18. In the pre-Mughal society, the most important factor for the growth of Purdah was(a) Social(b) Economic(c) Political(d) Religious19. Who built the Grand Trunk Road which extended from Sonargaon (Bengal) to the Punjab?(a) Babur(b) Akbar(c) Jahangir(d) Sher Shah20. Who introduced the branding of the horses (dagh) which was later followed by Akbar in theadministration of the Mughal army?(a) Ibrahim Lodi(b) Babur(c) Sher Shah(d) Akbar21. The Sarkars of Sher Shah’s empire were(a) Provinces(b) Sub-divisions(c) Districts(d) Villages22. During the first four years of Akbar’s reign (1556-60) the Regent was(a) Tardi Beg Khan(b) Bairam Khan(c) Hemu(d) MahamAnaga23. In Sher Shah’s administration, the highest division was(a) Iqta(b) Subah(c) Sarkar(d) Pargana24. The follies which Humayun had committed during the conduct of two military campaigns, onaccount of which he lost his empire to Sher Shah Suri, were against:(a) Gujarat and Malwa(b) Gujarat and Bengal(c) Malwa and Chunar(d) Bengal and Malwa25. Who invited Babur to attack India?a) Daulat Khan Lodib) RanaSanghac) Sher Shahd) Mahmud Lodi
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- 26. Humayun had to run away from India after he was defeated in the Battle of –a) Kanaujb) Panipatc) Khanwa(d) Ghagra27. Which two important cities did Babur capture after the first Battle of Panipat?a) Jaipur and Agrab) Delhi and Agrac) Amritsar and Delhid) Agra and Jaunpur28. Which Mughal king popularised the use of gun powder and artillery in India?a) Akbarb) Humayunc) Baburd) Jahangir29. Who among the following was incharge of foreign affairs in Sher Shah’s administration?a) Diwan-i- inshab) Diwan-i- rasalatc) Diwan-i- wizaratd) Diwan-i-Insha30. Which of the following did NOT constitute part of the army reforms of Sher Shah?a) Cash payment to soldiersb) Introduction of swiftly moving artilleryc) Introduction of practice of branding of horsesd) Personal interest in recruitment and promotion of soldiers31. Who among the following has issued the coin rupee for the first time?a) Sher Shahb) AllauddinKhiljic) Akbard) Babur32. How many central departments were established by Sher Shah Suri?a) Threeb) Twoc) Fived) Four33. According to Smriti texts to punish the wicked and cherish the good was the duty of thea) Brahmansb) Kshatriyasc) Vaishyasd) Higher classes34. In the pre- Mughal society, the study of the recitation of the vedas was banned for thea) Brahmansb) Kshatriyas
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- c) Shudrasd) Untouchables35. During the pre- Mughal society, purdah was social and it became a symbol of thea) Higher classesb) Middle classesc) Lower classesd) Shudras36. Jahangir wrote his memoir ( Tuzuk-i- Jahangiri) in his own hand during the firsta) 13 years of his ruleb) 11 years of his rulec) 12 years of his ruled) 14 years of his rule37. Jahangir entrusted the work of his Jahangir Nama toa) Ibrahim Khanb) Motamad Khanc) Sher Shahd) Nurjahan38. Akbar Nama is divided intoa) Two volumesb) Four volumesc) Five volumesd) Three volumes39. J.Baptiste Tavernier’s accounts cover the reigns ofa) Shah Jahan& Aurangzebb) Humayun and Akbarc) Akbar and Jahangird) Babur and Humayun40. Who was the author of the book ‘ Travel in the Mughal Empire’?a) J.B. Tavernierb) Francois Bernierc) IbnBatutad) Thomas Munroe41. The Suba of the Mughal Empire was(a) Province(b) District(c) Village(d) Pargana42. The term ‘mansab’ refers to(a) Soldier(b) Rank or office(c) Number of armed retainers(d) Branding of horses
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- 43. A Mansab was allotted to(a) Only the members of the army(b) Only the nobles(c) Only the noble born(d) All the officers of the army44. Under the Mughals, the person who headed the Department of Income and Expenditurewas called(a) Diwan(b) Vakil(c) Sadr(d) Mir Bakshi45. In which year did Akbar divided the Empire into twelve Subas?(a) 1564(b) 1580(c) 1568(d) 157046. Mughal Painting reached its zenith under which Emperor?(a) Akbar(b) Jahangir(c) Shah Jahan(d) Aurangzeb47. Who built the Red Fort at Delhi?(a) Akbar(b) Jahangir(c) Shah Jahan(d) DaraShikoh58. The method of constructing buildings entirely of marble and decorating the walls with floraldesigns made of semi-precious stones was called:(a) Chhatris(b) Baolis(c) Minarets(d) Pietradura49. In 1573, the BulandDarwaza was constructed by Akbar to commemorate his victory at:(a) Gujarat(b) Bengal(c) Rajasthan(d) Malwa50. The translation of the Mahabharata into Persian was carried out under whose supervision?(a) AbulFazl(b) Faizi(c) Utbi(d) Badaoni
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- 51. During the reign of which of the following Mughal Emperor was the famous Peacock Throneconstructed?(a) Akbar(b) Jahangir(c) Shah Jahan(d) Aurangzeb52. The Mughal architecture was a happy blending of(a) Turkish and Afghan styles(b) Turkish and Persian styles(c) Persian and Indian styles(d) Turkish and Hindu styles53. Calligraphy which developed to a great extent during the Mughal period is(a) The art of beautiful handwriting(b) Persian form of painting(c) Fine enamel work(d) The art of documentation54. Who among the Mughal Imperial family is regarded as “one of the greatest scholars thatIndia have ever produced”?(a) Babur(b) Jahangir(c) Shah Jahan(d) DaraShikoh55. Which building of Shah Jahan contains the inscription of a Persian couplet that means “Ifthere is a paradise on the face of earth, it is this; it is this, none but this”?(a) Diwan-i-khas, Delhi(b) Tajmahal(c) Moti Masjid, Agra(d) Diwan-i-Aam, Agra56. The most famous musician at the court of Akbar was Tansen. What was his original name?(a) MakarandaPande(b) RamtanuPande(c) LalKalwant(d) Mahesh Pande57. Which of the following was considered the ablest writer in Persian during Akbar’s period?(a) Faizi(b) Badauni(c) AbulFazl(d) Utbi58. One of the following writers who was a great critic of Akbar was(a) Badauni(b) Nizamuddin Ahmad(c) FaiziSarhindi(d) Birbal
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- 59. Which of the following travellers who came to India during Akbar’s reign has stated thatboth Agra and FatehpurSikri were greater than London?(a) Ralph Fitch(b) Monserrate(c) William Finch(d) William Hawkins60. Which of the following historians of Shah Jahan’speriod was the court chronicler?(a) Amin Qazurini(b) Inayat Khan(c) Khafi Khan(d) Abdul Hamid Lahori61. The total number of the Mughal Subhas in 1605 wasa) 12b) 15c) 17d) 1962. The range of mansabs as organized by Akbar varied betweena) 10 to 7,000b) 100 to 5,000c) 10 to 10,000d) 10 to 500063. The most important arm of the Mughal army wasa) Cavalryb) Artilleryc) Infantryd) Elephantry64. Babur introduced in Indiaa) The Art of Persian paintingb) Royal court poetryc) Four square gardend) Building with sloping walls65. The court painter sent by Jahangir along with his envoy to Shah of Persia to draw portraits ofShah Abbas wasa) Bishandasb) AbulHasanc) Mansurd) Govardhan66. The type of painting which made special progress during the reign of Jahangir wasa) Portrait paintingb) Fresco paintingc) Battle scened) Miniature painting
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- 67. Akbar introduced the Dahsala System with the help ofa) Raja Todar Malb) Raja Man Singhc) Raja Bhagwan Dasd) Raja Birbal68. In the Mughal administration Bakshi wasa) Mint masterb) Pay master-cum-incharge of intelligence servicec) Treasurerd) Incharge of revenue69. Persons holding ranks from 2500 and above were known asa) Amirb) Amir-i-Umdac) Mansabdard) Khwaja70. Mansabdars who were paid in cash were calleda) Jagirdarsb) Mirzasc) Naqdisd) Amirs71. In which of the following wings of the Mughal army were foreigners like the Portuguese andOttomans employed?a) Cavalryb) Navyc) Artilleryd) Match-lock men72. In the Mughal Empire, the land revenue was stated mainly ina) Copper damsb) Silver rupeesc) Gold Mohursd) Maunds73. The only type of Jagir which could not be transferred was thea) WatanJagirb) Tan Jagirc) KhidmatiJagird) MilkiyatJagir74. Which of the following varieties of land during Mughal period did not yield revenue to thestate?a) Khalisab) Sayurghalc) Raiyatid) Jagir75. The ‘Chain of Justice’ is associated with
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- a) Humayunb) Akbarc) Jahangird) Shah Jahan76. Who among the following princes was a great patron of Art?a) Prince DaraSikohb) Prince Daniyalc) Prince Khusraud) Prince Murad77. The largest number of Books on classical Indian music in Persian was written during whosereign?a) Akbarb) Jahangirc) Shah Jahand) Aurangzeb78. Razmnama is a Persian translation of thea) Panchatantrab) Ramayanac) Mahabharatad) Kathasaritsagara79. Who was the first Englishman to appear in the Mughal court during Jahangir’s reign?a) Paul Canningb) Ralph Fitchc) William Edwardd) William Hawkins80. What is IbadatKhana?(a) Hall of Prayer(b) Public Hall of Audience(c) Private Hall of Audience(d) Singing Hall81. During the Mughal Empire, revenue free grants given for charitable purposes were called:(a) Taqavi(b) Sayurghals(c) Jeziya(d) Madad-i-maash82. The Ain-i-Dahsala was a:(a) Military system(b) Revenue Settlement(c) Judicial System(d) Religious System83. The class of traders who specialized in carrying bulk goods during the Mughal period wasknown as:(a) Banjaras
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