- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.inPersonal Financial PlanningMultiple Choice Questions.Q .noQuestionsAnswer11. Investment is theA. net additions made to the nation’s capital stocksB. persons commitment to buy a flat or houseC. employment of funds on assets to earn returnsD. employment of funds on goods and services that are used inproduction processC22. Speculator is a personA. who evaluates the performance of the companyB. who uses his own funds onlyC. who is willing to take high risk for high returnsD. who considers here says and market behavioursC33. Which one of the following is not a money market securities?A. Treasury billsB. National savings certificateC. Certificate of depositD. Commercial paperB44. Commercial papers areA. unsecured promissory notesB. secured promissory notesC. sold at a premiumD. Issued for a period of 1 to 2 yearsA55. Registrar to the issueA. helps in the appointment of lead managersB. drafts the prospectusC. recommends the basis of allotmentD. directs the various agencies involved in the issueC66. The underwriter has to take upA. the fixed portions of the issue capitalB. the agreed portion of the unsubscribed partC. the agreed portion or can refuse ifD. the unfixed portions of the issue capitalB77. An example of a derivative security isA. a common share of General MotorsB. a call option on Mobil stock.C. a commodity futures contractD. B and CD
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.in88. Which of the following investment areas is heavily tiedto work using mathematical and statistical models?A. Security analysis.B. Portfolio management.C. Institutional investing.D. Retirement PlanningA99. Most investors are risk averse which means .A. They will assume more risk only if they are compensated byhigher expected return.B. They will always invest in the investment with the lowestpossible risk.C. They will always invest in the investment with the lowestpossible risk.D. They avoid the stock market due to the high degree of risk.C1010. Which of the following would be considered a risk-freeinvestment?A. Gold.B. Equity in a house.C. High-grade corporate bonds.D. Treasury bills.A1111. Are financial assets.A. bondsB. MachinesC. stocksD. A&CD1212. Investment decision making traditionally consists of two steps .A. Investment banking and security analysis.B. Buying and selling.C. Risk and expected return.D. Security analysis and portfolio management.D1313. The rise of the Internet has .A. Greatly increased the cost of security trading.B. Significantly democratized the flow of investment information.C. Led to fewer number of discount brokers.D. Led to large amounts of security fraud.A1414. Savings accounts are but are not .A. Negotiable; liquid.B. Marketable; liquid.C. Liquid; personal.D. Liquid; marketable.C
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.in1515. Treasury bills are traded in the .A. Money market.B. Capital market.C. Government market.D. Regulated market.A1616. Which of the following would not be considered as capitalmarket security?A. A corporate bond.B. A common stock.C. A 6-month Treasury bill.D. A mutual fund shareC1717. The coupon rate is another name for the .A. Market interest rate.B. Current yield.C. Stated interest rate.D. Yield to maturityA1818. Dividends are paid .A. Monthly.B. Quarterly.C. Semi-annually.D. Yearly.D1919. If an investor states that Intel is overvalued at 65 times, he isreferring to .A. Earnings per share.B. Dividend yield.C. Book value.D. P/E RatioB2020. If a preferred stock issue is cumulative, this means .A. Dividends are paid at the end of the year.B. Dividends is legally binding on the corporation.C. Unpaid dividends will be paid in the future.D. Unpaid dividends are neverC2121. The most popular type of investment company is a .A. Unit investment trust.B. Mutual fund.C. Closed-end investment company.D. Real estate investment trustA
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.in2222. An unmanaged fixed income security portfoliohandled by an independent trustee is known as a.A. Junk bond fund.B. Closed-end investment company.C. Unit investment trust.D. Hedge fundD2323. A major difference between a closed-end investmentcompany and an open-end investment company is that .A. Closed-end investment companies are generally muchriskier.B. Their security portfolios are substantially different.C. Closed-end investment companies are passive investmentsand open-ends are not.D. Closed-end companies have a more fixed capitalizationB2424. Which of the following generally traded on stock exchanges?A. Unit investment trustsB. Closed-end investment companiesC. Open-end investment companiesD. All trade on stock exchangesD2525. It is not important to have a secondary market for mutualfunds because .A. Investors hold the securities till maturity.B. Investors trade between themselves.C. Investors sell their shares back to the company.D. Banks will cash their sharesas long as they have accounts atthe bank.D2626. A group of mutual funds with a common management areknown as .A. Fund syndicates.B. Fund conglomerates.C. Fund families.D. Fund complexesC2727. If NAV> market price of a fund, then the fund .A. Is selling at a discount.B. Is selling at a premium.C. Is an index fund.D. Is an exchange traded fundB2828. Mutual funds may be affiliated with an under writer. Thismeans .A. The underwriter has an exclusive right to distribute shares.B. The underwriter selects the securities in the portfolio.A
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.inC. There is no risk to the issuer of the mutual fund.D. There is no risk to the investor of the mutual fund.2929. In an underwriting arrangement, the risk is assumed by the .A. Issuer of the security.B. Investment bankers.C. Commercial bankers.D. Institutional InvestorsA3030. The is a window through which the investor cansee the company.A. Syndicate offer.B. IPO.C. Prospectus.D. Shelf rule.C3131. Investment bankers are compensated by .A. The underwriting spread.B. Commissions paid by the buyers of the security.C. Commission paid by the sellers of the security.D. Guaranteed investmentD3232. Investment bankers operate in the .A. Primary market.B. Secondary market.C. Third market.D. Fourth market.A3333. Which exchange member is assigned to a specific tradingpost?A. Commission broker.B. Floor trader.C. Specialist.D. Dealer.C3434. A computerized trading network that matches buy and sellorders electronically entered by customers is a .A. National markets system.B. Electronic communications networks.C. Internet investment service.D. Global investment networkB3535. If an investor is attempting to buy a stock that is very volatile,it would be best to use .A. Market order.B. Limit order.C. Stop-loss order.B
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.inD. Contingency order.3636. Which of the following has helped to eliminatethe use of stock certificates by placing stocktransactions on computers?A. Demat account.B. Securities Exchange Commission.C. Depository Trust Company.D. Federal Depository Insurance CorporationA3737. All new issues being offered for public sale are registered with .A. SEBI.B. New issue market.C. Maloney act of 1936.D. Securities investor protection act of1970.B3838. Total return is equal to .A. Capital gain + price change.B. Yield + income.C. Capital gain - loss.D. Yield + price change.A3939. The return component that gives periodic cash flows to theinvestor is known as the .A. Capital gain.B. Interest rate.C. Yield.D. Unrealized gain.C4040. Investors should be willing to invest in riskier investments only .A. If the term is short.B. If there are no safe alternatives except for holding cash.C. If the expected return is adequate for the risk level.D. If they are true speculators.D4141. If interest rates are expected to rise, you would expect .A. Bond prices to fall more than stock prices.B. Bond prices to rise more than stock prices.C. Stock prices to fall more than bond prices.D. Stock prices to rise and bond prices to fall.A4242. Financial risk is most associated with .A. The use of equity financing by corporations.B. The use of debt financing by corporations.C. Equity investments held by corporations.D. Debt investments held by corporations.B
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.in4343. Political stability is the major factor concerning .A. Exchange risk.B. Systematic risk.C. Non-systematic risk.D. Country risk.D4444. Liquidity risk .A. Is the risk that investment bankers normally face?B. Is lower for small OTCEI stocks than for large NSE stocks.C. Is the risk associated with secondary market transactions?D. Increases whenever interest rates increase.D4545. Which of the following is not related to overall marketvariability?A. Financial risk.B. Interest rate risk.C. Purchasing power risk.D. Market risk.A4646. Financial disclosure regulations affecting the brokerageindustry are a type of .A. Market risk.B. Financial risk.C. Business risk.D. Liquidity risk.C4747. If interest rates rose, you would expect to alsorise.A. Business risk.B. Financial risk.C. Liquidity risk.D. Inflation risk.C4848. Total return as defined in the text is .A. The difference between the sale price and the purchaseprice of an investment.B. Measured by dividing the sum of all cash flows received bythe amount invested.C. The reciprocal of a return relative.D. Measured by dividing allcash flows received by itsselling price.B4949. The is stated on the basis of 1.0.A. Total return.B. Return relative.A
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.inC. Cumulative wealth index.D. Geometric mean.5050. The return relative solves the problem of .A. Inflation.B. Negative returns.C. Interest rates.D. Tax differences.A5151. In order to determine the compound growth rate of aninvestment over some period, an investor would calculate the.A. Arithmetic mean.B. Geometric mean.C. Calculus mean.D. Arithmetic median.A5252. A major difference between real and nominal returns is that .A. Real returns adjust for inflation and nominal returns do not.B. Real returns use actual cash flows and nominal returns useexpected cash flows.C. Real returns adjust for commissions and nominal returns donot.D. Real returns show the highest possible return and nominalreturns show the lowest possible return.B5353. When most people refer to the mean, they are referring to the .A. Median.B. Arithmetic mean.C. Geometric mean.D. Cumulative mean.B5454. Portfolio weights are found by .A. Dividing standard deviation by expected value.B. Calculating the percentage each asset is to the total portfoliovalue.C. Calculating the return of each asset to total portfolio return.D. Dividing expected value by the standard deviation.B5555. In order to determine the expected return of aportfolio, all of the following must be Knownexcept .A. Probabilities of expected returns of individual assets.B. Weight of each individual asset to total portfolio value.C. Expected return of each individual asset.D. All of the above must be known in order to determine theexpected return of a portfolio.D5656. Which of the following is true regarding the expected returnC
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.inof a portfolio?A. It is a weighted average only for stock portfolios.B. It can only be positive.C. It can never be above the highest individual return.D. All of the above are true.5757. The relevant risk for a well-diversified portfolio is .A. Interest rate risk.B. Inflation risk.C. Business risk.D. Market risk.D5858. Which of the following portfolios has the least reduction ofrisk?A. A portfolio with securities all having positive correlation witheach other.B. A portfolio with securities all has zero correlation with eachother.C. A portfolio with securities all having negative correlationwith each other.D. A portfolio with securitiesall has skewed correlation witheach other.A5959. Portfolio risk is best measured by the .A. Expected value.B. Portfolio beta.C. Weighted average of individual risk.D. Standard deviation.C6060. Markowitz's main contribution to portfolio theory is .A. That risk is the same for each type of financial asset.B. That risk is a function of credit, liquidity and market factors.C. Risk is not quantifiable.D. Insight about the relative importance of variances andco variances in determining portfolio risk.B6161. The major problem with the Markowitz model is its .A. Lack of accuracy.B. Predictability flaws.C. Complexity.D. Inability to handle large number of inputs.A621. According to Markowitz, rational investors will seekefficient portfolios because these portfolios are optimalbased on .C
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Pappu Gaikwad www.dimr.edu.inA. Expected return.B. Risk.C. Expected return and risk.D. Transactions costs.6362. Portfolios lying on the upper right portion ofthe efficient frontier are likely to be chosen by.A. Aggressive investors.B. Conservative investors.C. Risk-averse investors.D. Defensive investors.B641. Market risk is best measured by the .A. Alpha.B. Beta.C. Standard deviation.D. Coefficient of variation.D6565. Book value is .A. The same as market value.B. A more accurate valuation technique than the dividendmodels.C. The accounting value of the firm as reflected in the financialstatements.D. The same as liquidation value.C6666. The price to book value ratio tends to be close for .a. High-tech companies.b. Banks.c. Utilities.d. Service companies.D6767. The central issue of efficient markets concerns .a. Regulations.b. Information.c. Participants.d. StructureA6868. A bond issue is broken up so that some investors willreceive only interest payments while others will receiveonly principal payments, which is an example of .a. bundlingb. un-bundlingc. financial engineeringd. B&DD
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