Transforms and Partial Differential Equations Solved MCQs
Multiple Choice Questions
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Arvind Ramson
- MA8353 Transformsand PartialDifferentialEquationsMechanicalEngineering - ThirdSemesterUNIT I PARTIALDIFFERENTIALEQUATIONSTOPIC 1.1 FORMATION OFPARTIAL DIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS - SINGULARINTEGRALS1. Solve using the method ofseparation of variables if u(x,0) = 10 e-x.a) 10 e-xe-t/3b) 10 exe-t/3c) 10 ex/3e-td) 10 e-x/3e-tAnswer: aExplanation: u(x,t) = X(x) T(t)Substituting in the given equation, X’T = 6T’X + XTwhich implies X = ce(1+6k)xwhich implies T = c’ ektTherefore, u(x,t) = cc’ e(1+6k)xektNow, u(x,0) = 10 e-x= cc’e(1+6k)xTherefore, cc’ = 10 and k =-1⁄3Therefore, u(x,t) = 10 e-xe-t/3.2. Find the solution of ifusing the method ofseparation of variables.a)b)c)d)Answer: aExplanation:Substituting in the given equation,which implieswhich impliesTherefore k = -2 and cc’ =Hence,3. Solve the partial differential equationusing method ofseparation of variables ifa)b)c)d)Answer: dExplanation:which implieswhich implies∂u∂x= 6∂u∂t+uX′−X6X=T′T=kX′X= 1 + 6kT′T=k∂u∂x= 36∂u∂t+ 10u∂u∂x(t= 0) = 3e−2x−32e−2xe−t/33exe−t/332e2xe−t/33e−xe−t/3u(x,t) =X(x)T(t)X′T= 36T′X+ 10XTX′X=k X=cekxT′T=(k−10)36T=c′ek−1036t∂u∂x(t= 0) = 3e−2x=cc′kekx−32u(x,t) =−32e−2xe−t/3.x3 ∂u∂x+y2 ∂u∂y= 0u(0,y) = 10e5y.10e52x2e5y10e−52y2e5x10e−52y2e−5x10e−52x2e5yu(x,t) =X(x)T(t)x3X′Y+y2Y′X= 0X′X=kx3X=cek2x2Y′Y=−ky2Y=c′ekyu(x,t) =cc′ek2x2ekyu(0,y) = 10e5y=cc′ekyDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com1CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- Therefore k = 5 and cc’ = 10Hence,4. Solve the differential equationusing the method ofseparation of variables ifa)b)c)d)Answer: aExplanation:which implieswhich impliesThereforeHence cc’ = 9 and k = 17Therefore,5. Solve the differential equationusing the method ofseparation of variables if .a)b)c)d)Answer: cExplanation:k = 3 and cc’ = 1Therefore6. While solving a partial differentialequation using a variable separable method,we assume that the function can be written asthe product of two functions which depend onone variable only.a) Trueb) FalseAnswer: aExplanation: If we have a function u(x,t),then the function u depends on both x and t.For using the variable separable method weassume that it can be written as u(x,t) =X(x).T(t) where X depends only on x and Tdepends only on t.7. While solving a partial differentialequation using a variable separable method,we equate the ratio to a constant which?a) can be positive or negative integer or zerob) can be positive or negative rational numberor zeroc) must be a positive integerd) must be a negative integerAnswer: bExplanation: The constant can be anyrational number. For example, we use apositive rational number to solve a 1-Dimensional wave equation, we use anegative rational number to solve 1-Dimensional heat equation, 0 when we havesteady state. The choice of constant dependson the nature of the given problem.8. When solving a 1-Dimensional waveequation using variable separable method, weget the solution if _____________a) k is positiveb) k is negativec) k is 0d) k can be anythingAnswer: bExplanation: Since the given problem is 1-Dimensional wave equation, the solutionshould be periodic in nature. If k is a positivenumber, then the solution comes out to be (c7epx⁄c+e-px⁄cc8)(c7ept+e-ptc8) and if k ispositive the solution comes out to beu(x,t) = 10e−52x2e5y.5∂u∂x+ 3∂u∂y= 2uu(0,y) = 9e−5y.9e175xe−5y9e135xe−5y9e−175xe−5y9e−135xe−5yu(x,t) =X(x)T(t)5X′Y+ 3Y′X= 2XYX′X=k5X=cek5xY′Y= 2 −k/3Y=c′e2−k3yu(x,t) =cc′ek5xe2−k3yu(0,y) =cc′=e2−k3y9e−5yu(x,t) = 9e175xe−5y.x2∂u∂x+y2∂u∂y=uu(0,y) =e2ye−3ye2xe3ye2xe−3xe2ye3xe2yu(x,t) =X(x)T(t)x2X′Y+y2Y′X=XYX=ce−kxY=c′ek−1yu(x,t) =cc′e−kxek−1yu(0,y) =e2y=cc′ek−1yu(x,t) =e−3xe2y.Department of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com2CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- (ccos(px/c) + c’sin(px/c))(c’’cospt + c’’’sinpt).Now, since it should be periodic, the solutionis (ccos(px/c) + c’sin(px/c))(c’’cospt +c’’’sinpt).9. When solving a 1-Dimensional heatequation using a variable separable method,we get the solution if ______________a) k is positiveb) k is negativec) k is 0d) k can be anythingAnswer: bExplanation: Since this is a heat equation,the solution must be a transient solution, thatis it should decay as time increases. Thishappens only when k is negative and thesolution comes out to be (c’’cospx +c’’’sinpx) (c e-c2p2t).10. While solving any partial differentiationequation using a variable separable methodwhich is of order 1 or 2, we use the formulaof fourier series to find the coefficients at last.a) Trueb) FalseAnswer: aExplanation: After using the boundaryconditions, when we are left with only oneconstant and one boundary condition, then weuse Fourier series coefficient formula to findthe constant.TOPIC 1.2 SOLUTIONS OFSTANDARD TYPES OF FIRSTORDER PARTIALDIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS1. First order partial differential equationsarise in the calculus of variations.a) Trueb) FalseAnswer: aExplanation: The calculus of variations is atype of analysis in the field of mathematics(branch of calculus) which is used to findmaxima and minima of definite integrals.2. The symbol used for partial derivatives, ∂,was first used in mathematics by Marquis deCondorcet.a) Trueb) FalseAnswer: aExplanation: Partial derivatives are indicatedby the symbol ∂. This was first used inmathematics by Marquis de Condorcet whoused it for partial differences.3. What is the order of the equation,?a) Third Orderb) Second Orderc) First Orderd) Zero OrderAnswer: cExplanation: The equation having only firstderivative, i.e., are said to be first orderdifferential equation. Since the given equationsatisfies this condition, it is of first order.4. In the equation, y= x2+c,c is known as theparameter and x and y are known as the mainvariables.a) Trueb) FalseAnswer: aExplanation: Given: y= x2+c, where c isknown as an arbitrary constant. It is alsoreferred to as the parameter to differentiate itfrom the main variables x and y.5. Which of the following is one of thecriterions for linearity of an equation?a) The dependent variable and its derivativesshould be of second orderxy3(∂y∂x)2+yx2+∂y∂x= 0∂y∂xDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com3CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- b) The dependent variable and its derivativesshould not be of same orderc) Each coefficient does not depend on theindependent variabled) Each coefficient depends only on theindependent variableAnswer: dExplanation: The two criterions for linearityof an equation are:The dependent variable y and itsderivatives are of first degree.Each coefficient depends only on theindependent variable6. Which of the following is a type ofIterative method of solving non-linearequations?a) Graphical methodb) Interpolation methodc) Trial and Error methodsd) Direct Analytical methodsAnswer: bExplanation: There are 2 types of Iterativemethods, (i) Interpolation methods (orBracketing methods) and (ii) Extrapolationmethods (or Open-end methods).7. Which of the following is an example forfirst order linear partial differential equation?a) Lagrange’s Partial Differential Equationb) Clairaut’s Partial Differential Equationc) One-dimensional Wave Equationd) One-dimensional Heat EquationAnswer: aExplanation: Equations of the form Pp + Qq= R , where P, Q and R are functions of x, y,z, are known as Lagrange’s linear equation.8. What is the nature of Lagrange’s linearpartial differential equation?a) First-order, Third-degreeb) Second-order, First-degreec) First-order, Second-degreed) First-order, First-degreeAnswer: dExplanation: Lagrange’s linear equationcontains only the first-order partialderivatives which appear only with firstpower; hence the equation is of first-orderand first-degree.9. Find the general solution of the linearpartial differential equation, yzp+zxq=xy.a) φ(x2-y2– z2)=0b) φ(x2-y2, y2-z2)=0c) φ(x2-y2, y2-x2)=0d) φ(x2-z2, z2-x2)=0Answer: bExplanation: Given: yzp+zxq=xyHere, the subsidiary equations are,From the first two and last two terms, we get,respectively,or xdx-ydy=0, andor ydx-zdy=0,Integrating these we get two solutionsx2-y2=a , y2-z2=bHence, the general solution of the givenequation is,φ(x2-y2, y2-z2)=0.10. The equation 2 is anexample for Bernoulli’s equation.a) Falseb) TrueAnswer: bExplanation: A first order, first degreedifferential equation of the form,is known asBernoulli’s equation.11. A particular solution for an equation isderived by eliminating arbitrary constants.a) Trueb) Falsedxyz=dyzx=dzxydxyz=dyzx′dxzx=dyxy′dydx–xy=y−2,dydx+P(x).y=Q(x).ya,Department of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com4CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- Answer: bExplanation: A particular solution for anequation is derived by substituting particularvalues to the arbitrary constants in thecomplete solution.12. A partial differential equation is one inwhich a dependent variable (say ‘y’) dependson one or more independent variables (say’x’, ’t’ etc.)a) Falseb) TrueAnswer: bExplanation: A differential equation isdivided into two types, ordinary and partialdifferential equations.A partial differential equation is one in whicha dependent variable depends on one or moreindependent variables.Example:TOPIC 1.3 LAGRANGE'SLINEAR EQUATION1. Singular solution for the Clairaut’sequation is given by _______a)b) y2=-4axc) y2=4axd) x2=-2ayAnswer: cExplanation: LetGiven equation is of the form y = px + f(p),whose general solution is y = cx + f(c)thus the general solution is…………..(1), to find the value of cwe differentiate (1) partially w.r.t ‘c’ i.ehence (1) becomesy2=4ax is the singular solution.2. Obtain the general solution for the equationxp2+px-py+1-y=0 where p= .a) y=cx+b) x=cy-(c+1)c) x=cy-d) y=cx+(c+1)Answer: aExplanation: xp2+px-py+1-y=0xp2+px+1=y(p+1)……(1) thus(1) is in the Clairaut’s equation formy=px+f(p),thus general solution is y=cx+ .3. Find the general solution for the equation(px-py)(py+x)=2p by reducing into Clairaut’sform by using the substitution X=x2, Y=y2where p= .a)b)c)d)Answer: bExplanation:nownow consider (px-py)(py+x)=2p substitutingthe value of p we getis in the Clairaut’s formhence general solution is .4. Find the general solution of the D.E 2y-4xy’-log y’=0.a)b)F(x,t,y,∂y∂x,∂y∂t, … …) = 0y=y′x+ay′x2a2+y2a2= 1p=y′=dydxy=cx+ac0 =x−ac2→c2=ax→c=√axy=√axx+a√xa→y= 2√axdydx1c+11c+1y=xp(p+1)+1p+1or y=px+1p+11c+1dydxy2=x+cc+1y2=cx2–2cc+1x2=cy2–12c+1x2=y2+c2c+2X=x2→dXdx= 2xY=y2→dYdy= 2yp=dydx=dydYdYdXdXdxand let P=dYdxp=12y∗P∗ 2x or p=xyP i.e p=√XYP(√XYP√X–√Y)(√XYP√Y+√X)= 2(PX−Y)√Y(P+ 1)√X= 2√XYP→ (PX−Y)y2=cx2–2cc+1y(p) =2cp– 1 +logp2y(p) =c2p– 2 +logpDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com5CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- c)d)Answer: aExplanation: Let y’=p and hence givenequation is in Lagrange equation formi.e 2y=4xp+log p …..(1) differentiating bothsides of the equation2dy=4xdp+4pdx+ and dy=pdx–> 2pdx=4xdp+4pdx+ –> -2pdx=4pdx+-2p(p≠0)…….this is a linear D.E for the functionx(p)I.F is and solution isx(p)substituting back in (1) weget.5. Find the general solution of the D.E y =2xy’ – 3(y’)2.a)b)c)d)Answer: bExplanation: Let y’=p –> y = 2xp – 3p2….(1) is in the Lagrange equation formnow differentiating we get dy=2xdp+2pdx-6pdp and dy=pdxthus pdx=2xdp+2pdx-6pdp→-pdx=2xdp-6pdp –> …(2)(2) is a linear D.E whose I.F=hence its solution is….substituting in (1) we getSanfoundry Global Education & LearningSeries – Ordinary Differential Equations.TOPIC 1.4 LINEAR PARTIALDIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSOF SECOND AND HIGHERORDER WITH CONSTANTCOEFFICIENTS OF BOTHHOMOGENEOUS AND NON-HOMOGENEOUS TYPES1. Solution of the differential equationis _____________a)b)c)d)Answer: aExplanation:–> x2ln x dy-xy dy=xy dx – y2ln y dx…….dividing by x2y2thenon integrating we get= c…. where c is a constant ofintegration.2. Solution of the differential equationis ______a)b)c)d)Answer: dExplanation:separating the variablex(p) =−1p+cp2x(p) =12p+cp1/2dppdppdppdxdp= 4x+1p→dxdp+2px=−12p2e∫2pdp=elogp2=p2p2=∫p2∗−12p2dp+cx(p) =−12p+cp22y= 4p(−12p+cp2)+logpy(p) =2cp– 1 +logp2y(p) =p1/2+c2py(p) =p2+2cpx(p) = −cp+cp2x(p) = 2p+2cp2dxdp+2px– 6 = 0e∫2pdp=p2p2x(p) =∫6p2dp+c→x(p) = 2p+cp2y(p) = 2(2p+cp2)p− 3p2=p2+2cp.dydx=y(x−ylny)x(xlnx−y)xlnx+ylnyxy=cxlnx−ylnyxy=clnxx+lnyy=clnxx–lnyy=cdydx=y(x−ylny)x(xlnx−y)lnyy2dy–1xydy=1xydx–lnyx2dx(lnx(1−y2dy) +1xydx) + (lny(1−x2dx) +1xydd(lnxy) +d(lnyx) = 0∫d(lnxy) +∫d(lnyx)lnxy+lnyxdydx=e3x−2y+x2e−2ye2y3=e3x3+x22+ce3y(e2x+x3)6+ce2y(e3x+x3)6+ce2y2=e3x3+x33+cdydx=e3x−2y+x2e−2ydydx=e−2y(e3x+x2)Department of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com6CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- e2ydy = (e3x+x2)dx…..integrating∫ e2ydy =∫ (e3x+x2)dx.3. Solution of the differential equation sec2xtan y dx + sec2y tan x dy=0 is _______a) (sec x. sec y)=kb) (sec x .tany)=kc) (tan x. tany)=kd) (sec x .tan x)+(sec y .tan y)=kAnswer: cExplanation: sec2x tan y dx + sec2y tan xdy=0dividing throughout by tan y.tan x we get……separating thevariablenow integrating we getsubstituting tan x = t & tan y=p→sec2xdx=dt & sec2y dy=dplog t + log p = c –>log(tan x)+log(tan y) = c =log k….since it is an unknown constantlog(tan x .tan y) = log k(tan x tan y) = k is the solution.4. Solution of the differential equationis ______a)b)c)d) cot-1(4x+2y+1)=x+cAnswer: aExplanation:here we use substitution forseparating the variable and integratingis the solution.5. Solution of the differential equationis ______a) (y-x)-log(x(1+y))=cb) log(x(1+y))=cc) (y+x)-log(x)=cd) (y-x)-log(y(1+x))=cAnswer: aExplanation:separating the variables & hence integratingy – log(1+y) – log x – x = c(y-x) – log(x(1+y)) = c is the solution.6. Solve the differential equationis _______a) xp=(x2+2y2)-3b) x2p=(x2-2y2)3c) x4p=(x2-2y2)-3d) x6p=(x2+2y2)3Answer: bExplanation: we canclearly see that it is an homogeneous equationhence substitutingseparating the variables and integrating…….substituting 1-2v2=t→-4v dv=dt we gete2y2=e3x3+x33+csec2xtanxdx+sec2ytanydy= 0∫sec2xtanxdx+∫sec2ytanydy=c→∫1tdt+∫1pdp=cdydx= (4x+ 2y+ 1)212√2tan−1(4x+2y+1√2) =x+c1√2cot−1(4x+ 2y+ 1) =x+c1√2tan−1(4x+2y+1√2) =cdydx= (4x+ 2y+ 1)24x+ 2y+ 1 =t→ 4 + 2dydx=dtdx→dydx=12dtdx– 212dtdx– 2 =t2dtdx= 2t2+ 4∫12t2+4dt=∫dx12√2tan−1t√2=x+c12√2tan−1(4x+2y+1√2) =x+cxydydx= 1 +x+y+xyxydydx= 1 +x+y+xyxydydx= (1 +x) +y(1 +x) = (1 +x)(1 +y)y1+ydy=1+xxdx∫y1+ydy=∫1+xxx∫(1+y)−11+ydy=∫1xdx+∫1dx∫1dy–∫11+ydy–log x–x=cdydx=x2+y23xydydx=x2+y23xy=1+y2x23yxy=vx→dydx=v+xdvdx=1+v23vxdvdx=1+v23v–v=1−2v23v∫3v1−2v2dv=∫1xdx−34log t=log x+log c→−34log(1 − 2v2) =−3log(x2−2y2x2) = 4log cx→log(x2−2y2x2)−3=Department of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com7CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- is thesolution where p is constant.7. The solution of differential equationis ______a)b)c)d)Answer: dExplanation: we canclearly see that it is an homogeneous equationsubstitutingseparating the variables and integrating wegetlog(sin v) = log x + log cis the solutionwhere c is constant.8. Particular solution of the differentialequation given y=-1 at x=1.a) y=xb) y+x=2c) y=-xd) y-x=2Answer: cExplanation:……. is a homogeneous equationthus putseparating the variables and integrating wegetlog(v2+1) – log(v+1) + log x = log c –>where k=1/cat x=1, y=-1 substituting we get 2k=0→k=0thus the particular solution is y=-x.UNIT II FOURIER SERIESTOPIC 2.1 DIRICHLET'SCONDITIONS1. How many dirichlet’s conditions are there?a) Oneb) Twoc) Threed) FourAnswer: cExplanation: There are three dirichlet’sconditions. These conditions are certainconditions that a signal must possess for itsfourier series to converge at all points wherethe signal is continuous.2. What are the Dirichlet’s conditions?a) Conditions required for fourier series todivergeb) Conditions required for fourier series toconverge if continuousc) Conditions required for fourier series toconverged) Conditions required for fourier series todiverge if continuousAnswer: bExplanation: Dirichlet’s conditions areConditions required for fourier series toconverge. That is there are certain conditionsthat a signal must posses for its fourier seriesto converge at all points where the signal iscontinuous.x6(x2−2y2)3=kx4→x2p= (x2− 2y2)3dydx=yx+tanyxcot(yx) =xccos(yx) =xcsec2(yx) =xcsin(yx) =xcdydx=yx+tanyxy=vx→dydx=v+xdvdx=v+tan v∫1tanvdv=∫1xdxsin v=xc→sin(yx) =xcdydx=y2−2xy−x2y2+2xy−x2dydx=y2−2xy−x2y2+2xy−x2=y2x2–2yx–1y2x2+2yx−1y=vx→dydx=v+xdvdx=v2−2v−1v2+2v−1xdvdx=v2−2v−1v2+2v−1–v= −(v3+v2+v+1)v2+2v−1= −(v2+1)(v+1)v2+2v−1∫v2+2v−1(v2+1)(v+1)dv=∫−1xdx∫2v(v+1)−(v2+1)(v2+1)(v+1)dv=log c–log x∫(2vv2+1−1v+1)dv=log c–log x(v2+1)x(v+1)=c→x2+y2x+y=c→k(x2+y2) = (x+y)Department of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com8CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- 3. What is the first Dirichlet’s condition?a) Over any period, signal x(t) must beintegrableb) Multiplication of the signals must becontinuousc) x(t) should be continuous onlyd) A signal can be integrable except breakpointsAnswer: aExplanation: In the case of Dirichlet’sconditions, the first property leads to theintegration of signal. It states that over anyperiod, signal x(t) must be integrable.That is ∫|x(t)|dt<∞.4. Is dirichlet’s condition possible in case ofdiscrete signals?a) Trueb) FalseAnswer: bExplanation: Dirichlet’s conditions is notpossible in case of discrete signals. That isthese are certain conditions that a signal mustposses for its fourier series to converge at allpoints where the signal is continuous only.5. What guarantees that coefficient is finite ina dirichlet’s condition?a) First conditionb) Second conditionc) Third conditiond) Fourth conditionAnswer: aExplanation: The first property is:That is ∫|x(t)|dt<∞Now, Xn= 1/T∫|x(t)e-jwt|dt ≤ 1/T∫|x(t)|dtSo, Xn<∞.6. What is the second dirichlet’s condition?a) In any finite interval, x(t) is of boundedvariationb) In most of a finite interval, x(t) is ofbounded variationc) In any finite interval, x(t) is of unboundedvariationd) In majority finite interval, x(t) is ofunbounded variationAnswer: aExplanation: In any finite interval, x(t) is ofbounded variation. That is there are no morethan a finite number of maxima and minimaduring a single period of the signal.7. There are maxima and minima not possiblein dirichlet’s conditions.a) Trueb) FalseAnswer: bExplanation: Maxima and minima arepossible if they are infinite number as statedby the second dirichlet’s condition. In anyfinite interval, x(t) is of bounded variation.That is there are no more than a finite numberof maxima and minima during a single periodof the signal.8. What is the third dirichlet’s condition?a) Finite discontinuities in the infinite intervalb) Finite discontinuities in the finite intervalc) Infiinite discontinuities in the infiniteintervald) Finite discontinuities in the all the intervalsAnswer:bExplanation: The third condition states thatin any finite interval of time, there is an onlya finite number of discontinuities. Hence,finite discontinuities in the finite interval arethe correct option.9. In the third condition, does each of thediscontinuities need to be finite?a) All the timeb) Sometimesc) Neverd) RarelyAnswer: aExplanation: The third condition states thatin any finite interval of time, there is the onlyfinite number of discontinuities. AndDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com9CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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- furthermore, each of these discontinuitiesmust be finite too.10. What is the sum of the series at a pointwhen the signal is discontinuous?a) Average of the previous limitsb) Previous limits are consideredc) Future limits are addedd) Average of left hand limit and right handlimit are takenAnswer: dExplanation: If the signal is discontinuous ata point t, then an average of left hand limitand right hand limit of the signal x(t) aretaken.That is x(t) = ½[ x(t+)+x(t-)].TOPIC 2.2 GENERAL FOURIERSERIES €“ ODD AND EVENFUNCTIONS1. Which of the following is not Dirichlet’scondition for the Fourier series expansion?a) f(x) is periodic, single valued, finiteb) f(x) has finite number of discontinuities inonly one periodc) f(x) has finite number of maxima andminimad) f(x) is a periodic, single valued, finiteAnswer: dExplanation: Dirichlet’s condition forFourier series expansion is f(x) should beperiodic, single valued and finite; f(x) shouldhave finite number of discontinuities in oneperiod and f(x) should have finite number ofmaxima and minima in a period.2. At the point of discontinuity, sum of theseries is equal to ___________a)b)c)d)Answer: bExplanation: When there is a point ofdiscontinuity, the value of the function at thatpoint is found by taking the average of thelimit of the function in the left hand side ofthe discontinuous point and right hand side ofthe discontinuous point. Hence the value ofthe function at that point of discontinuity is.3. What is the Fourier series expansion of thefunction f(x) in the interval (c, c+2π)?a)b)c)d)Answer: aExplanation: Fourier series expantion of thefunction f(x) in the interval (c, c+2π) is givenbywhere, a0is found by using n=0, in theformula for finding an. bnis found by usingsin(nx) instead of cos(nx) in the formula tofind an.4. If the function f(x) is even, then which ofthe following is zero?a) anb) bnc) a0d) nothing is zeroAnswer: bExplanation: Since bnincludes sin(nx) termwhich is an odd function, odd times evenfunction is always odd. So, the integral giveszero as the result.5. If the function f(x) is odd, then which ofthe only coefficient is present?a) an12[f(x+ 0)–f(x− 0)]12[f(x+ 0) +f(x− 0)]14[f(x+ 0)–f(x− 0)]14[f(x+ 0) +f(x− 0)]12[f(x+ 0) +f(x− 0)]a02+∑∞n=1ancos(nx) +∑∞n=1bnsin(nx)a0+∑∞n=1ancos(nx) +∑∞n=1bnsin(nx)a02+∑∞n=0ancos(nx) +∑∞n=0bnsin(nx)a0+∑∞n=0ancos(nx) +∑∞n=0bnsin(nx)a02+∑∞n=1ancos(nx) +∑∞n=1bnsin(nx)Department of Mechanical EngineeringMCQ for Regulations 2017Downloaded From: https://cse-r17.blogspot.com10CSE-R17.BLOGSPOT.COM
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