- 315Unit-8Limit and ContinuityImportant PointsReal Value Function:If function f : AB (Where AAR and BR)is defined then f is a real function of a real value.Some useful real functions of real value.(1) Constant function : Ax,cxf,BA:f (whereRA ,RB , B,A) is called a constantfunction.Here c is fixed element of c.N.B,d fR c(2) Identity function: Ax,xxI,AA:IAAis called identity function,N.B. : Indentity function in one-one and onto.(3) Modulus function:0URR:f 0x,x0x,x|x|xfis called modulus function.(4) Integer part function Floor function.(A)zR:f , f(x) = x the largest integer not exeeding x’ is called integer part function.It is denoted by [x] or [x]. 2777f, (B) Celling funtion : xxf,zR:f the smallest integer not less than x, is called celling funtion anddenoted by [x]. 3.1 3.1 2, 7 3f (5) Exponential Function Ra,axf,RR:fxis called exponential function.N.B. : 1. For a = 1, Rf= {1} i.e, f is constant function.2. for 0 < a < 1 then this function is decreasing function.
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- 3163. For a> 1 then this function is an increasing function.4. Graph of any exponential function always passes through the point (0, 1)(6) Logarithmic function : : , log , 1af R R f x x a R ,is logarithmic function.N.B. :1. Logarithmic function is an inverse function of an exponential functionAlso exponential function (with R+-{1} is an inverse function of logarithmic function.i.e. Both are the inverse function of each other.2. Working rules of :(A) Exponential Function (B) Logarithmic functionForRy,x,1Rb,a For Ry,x,1Rb,ayxyxaa,aiylogxlogxylogiaa xxxbaabii ylogxlogyxlogiiaaa xyyxaaiii Rn,xlognxlogiiiana xxxbabaiv alogxlogxlogivbba yxyxaaav01logva xxaa1vi1alogviaRxxaxlogaviia(7) Polynomial function : ;a...........xaxaxaxf,RA:f02n2n1n1nnn 0a,n...,.........3,2,1,0i,Ranis called a Polynomial function 0Nn,A,RA (8) Rational function : xqxpxf,RA:f where p(x) and q(x) are polynomial function over (A on) and ,Ax,0xq is called rational function.
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- 317(8) Signum Funtion: 1,0,1R:f 0x,10x,00x,1xfis called signum functionN.B. : 0x,00x,x|x|xf(10) Trigonometric functions : Inverese Trigonometric functions :Function Domian Range Function Domian RangeSine R [-1, 1] Sin-1[-1, 1]2,2Cosine R [-1, 1] Cos-1 [-1, 1] ,0Tangent zk21k2RR tan-1 R2,2Co-tangentzkkRR Cot-1 R ,0Secant zk21k2RR-(-1,1) Sec-1 R-(-1, 1) 2,0CosecantzkkRR-(-1,1) Cosec-1 R-(-1, 1) 02,2(11) Even function :If A,RA,RA:fis a functionAxAx yLku ,Ax,xfxf then f is called an even function.(are all even functions define on their respective domain set 0zn )(12) Odd function :and A,RA,RR:fandAxAx yLku ,Ax,xfxf then f is
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- 318called an odd functionand odd function define on their respective domainLimit of a fuction :Let f(x) be a function define on a domain comtaining some interval but may be in thedomain of f If for every f> 0 there exists some> 0 there exists xfDx,ax,axafwheneverax we say left limit off(x) is l or xfaxlim.Right limit of a fuction :If f(x) is function defined in some interval 0h,a,ha and for every> 0, thereexists> 0 such that a,ax,xf then we say tight limit of (x) is 1 asxa+OR xfaxlimAlgebra of Limits :Let limf xx aexist and be equal to xgaxlimexixt and be equal to,Then (1) xgxfaxlimexist and mxgaxlimxfaxlimxgxfaxlim(2) xgxfaxlimexist and mxgaxlimxfaxlimxgxfaxlim(3) If0m íkku xgxfaxlimexist and mxgaxlimxfaxlimxgxfaxlimIf cxf (C = constant) in a constant function then ccaxlimorcxfaxlim
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- 319Theorem : 1Nn,axaxlimnnTheorem : 2 If individualn.......,.........3,2,1then x;faxlim n1iaxn1ix;faxlimx;faxlimLimt of a polynomial :If f(x) = cnxn+ cn-1xn-1+......+ c0, x0, cir i =0, 1, 2, ........n) g(x) is a polynomial ofdegree then limf xlim f x f ax ah alimx a g x g ag xx a N.B. :1. In a rational funtion 0xg,xgxfxh f(x) and g(x) have a same factor (s) Nkaxkwith same index K then after cancellation of the factor (s) (x-a)k, we have thelimit by substituting x = a in the remaining part of the rational function. xqaxxpaxaxlimxgxfaxlimxhaxlimmk mk,xqxpaxaxlimmk= 0, If k -mN aqapif k = m= Limit does not exist, If k < m2. Rax,axNn,a.naxaxaxlim1nnnN.B. : This result is true even for nR, whileax,Ra,Rx Rule of substitution (OR) Rule of Limit of a composite Function :
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- 320Suppose xfaxlimexist and bxfaxlimand ygbylimexist and ygbylimthen xfgaxlimTwo important rules :1. If f(x) < g(x) in the same domain and both xfaxlimand xgaxlimexist, then xgaxlimxfaxlim2. If 21fff11DDDx,xfxfxf and if xfaxlim1and xfaxlim2existand are xfaxlimxfaxlim21exists and is equal to l.Some important results of trignometric functions, limits.1.2|x|0,x,1xxsinxcos(2)Rx|,x||xsin| (3)Rx,1xcos2x12Limits:(1)0|x|axlimthen 0|xf|0xlim 0xf0xlim(2)0xsinaxlim(3)1xcosaxlim(4)asinxsinaxlimand Ra.acosxcosaxlim(5)1xxsin0xlim
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- 321(6)1xxtan0xlimxandxand infinite limit(1) :xfxlimIf for every,0there existRMsuch that |xf|Rx,Mx we say that f(x) =1(2) :xfxlimIf for every,0there exist MR ,xfRx,Mx we say that xfxlimInfinite limits:(1) If 0x, 1a;ax1(2) If 0x, 1a;0ax1(3) If 0x, 1a0;0ax1(4) If 0x, 1a0;ax1Theorem : xfaxlimand only if for every sequence aaxlim,fda,annnImpliess nafnlimImportant limits :(1)1|r|;0rxlimn(2) ex10xlimx1(Where e = is an irrational number and3e2 )(3) 1Ra;alogh1a0hlimeh(4)1h1e0hlimh
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- 322Continuity : Let f be a function defined on an interval (a, b) containing c. b,accontain-ing xfcxlimexists and is equal to f(c). then we say f(c), then we say f is continous at x = c.If f is defined at isolated points, we say it is continous at that point consequently a functiondefined on a finite set {x1,x2, x3, .......xn} is continous.Continuity of a function on [a, b]If f is defined on [a, b] , then f is continous on [a, b] if(1) f is continous at every point (a, b)(2) afxfaxlim(3) bfxfbxlimN.B. : xxf yLku xxf are continouszRx and discontinous for allznTheorem : Let f and g be continous b,ac,cx (1)gf is continous x = c(2) kf continous x = c(3) f - g continous x = c(4) f x g continous x = c(5)gkcontinous for x = c if 0cg )(6)gfcontinous for x = c if 0cg )Some important results of continuity :1. A rational function is continous on its domain i.e. 0aq.ahxqxpaxlimxhaxlim2. Sin and Cosine funtions are continous on R3. Tageent and Secant and functions are continous zk21k2R
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- 3234. Co-tangent and Cosecant functions are continouszkkRContinuity of Composite functions :Let d,cb,a:f yLku f,ed,c:g be two functions, so that gof is continousat b,ax1and g is continous at 1f x c, d, then gof is continous at b,ax1By the rule of limit of a composite function 1111xgxfxxlimgxfgxxlimxofg,xxlim
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- 324Question Bank(1)lim2x 2 33 24-8x + 5x - x= ?2x - 9x + 12 x - 4(a)13(b)13(c) 3 (d) -3(2)lim3x 243 4 3= ?81x x xx (a)124 3(b)172 15(c)172 3(d)124 15(3)lim3x1= ?cot2x - 4x cot2x([x] = x)(a) [-1.3] (b) 0.75(c) [o. 75] (d)[1.3]3(4)3lim2 tan 2= ?0sin x xxx(a) 4 (b) -8 (c) -4 (d) 8(5)5 π 7 πlimsin x . co s -c o s cos x4 4= ?ππ + 4 xx -4(a)13(b)354(c)14(d)135(6)lim2x 2x sin x (4k+1 sec (4 1) sin (4 1)2 2 2= ?(2 ). (4 1)2 co K x k xsec k x cos k x
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