Business Intelligence - Practice MCQ Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
7 Pages
Contributed by
Himanshu David Mody
- SerialNo.Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer41_________ is the outcome of extraction andprocessing activities carried out on data.Knowledge Information Data Raw Data2 The objective of B.I is ?To support decision-making andcomplex problem solving.To support informationgathering.To support data collection. To support data analysis.3Which of the following is not a component ofbusiness intelligence analysis cycle?Analysis Insight Decision Design4Extraction of information and knowledge fromdata is known as ?Data mining Optimisation Data exploration Data mart5Well defined and recurring decision makingprocedure is calledStructured Semi-structured Operational Unstructured6Business intelligence system provides toolsand methodologies to knowledge workers tohelp them to take______.Effective decision. Timely decision Both 1 and 2. Efficient Decision.7Decision making process is of ____________phases.Three Five Two Six8In ____________ approach, a decision makerconsiders economic, tactical legal, ethical,procedural and political factors.Absolute rationality approach Bounded rationality approach Rational approach None of the above.9 In ETL ‘E’ stands for External Extraction Extreme None of the above10___________measurements express the levelof conformity of a given system to theobjectives for which it was designed.Effectiveness Efficiency Evaluation Feedback11What is the outcome of extraction andprocessing activities carried out on data?Data Information Knowledge Wisdom12 DSS stands for? Decision Support System Definition support System Data sub system Data storage system13 What represent the real problem situations? Data Models Tools Information14During which phase, additional dataconversion occurs to performed to obtain thesummaries that will reduce the responsetime?Loading Extraction Transformation Performance Evaluation15Which measurements express the level ofconformity of a given system to the objectivesfor which it was designed?Effectiveness Efficiency Evaluation Feedback16___________is the first stage in developing indecision support system.Analysis Design Knowledge Acquisition Planning17 Close System Cycle defined asWhich is System cycle does notneed any output.Able to modify their ownoutput flows based onfeedback.Able to modify their ownoutput flows based onprocess.Able to modify their ownoutput without any process.TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Business IntelligenceSample Questions For Self Practice
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- SerialNo.Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Business IntelligenceSample Questions For Self Practice18Information is transformed into _____to makedecisions.Data Information Knowledge File19 Mathematical models are developed by doing mathematical calculationexploring the relationshipswith data.developing mathematicallogicexploiting the relationshipsamong system controlvariables ,parameters and20___________technologies enabling factorsthat have facilitate development of BI withcomplex organizationsApplication System business information Hardware and Software21Data mining projects differ in many respectsfrom both classical statistics and whichanalyses?OLAP OLTP OLAM HOLAP22 OLAP stands for ? Online analytical Processing Online Link analysis processOnline AnalyticalProgrammingOnlink Analysis Processing23Data may contain erroneous or anomalousvalues, which are usually referred to as: ?Noise outliers Inconsistencies Reduction24Estimate procedures can become rathercomplex and time-consuming for a largedataset with a high percentage of whichdata?.Training data missing data result data expert data25Which attributes are categorical attributeswithout a natural ordering, such as theprovince of residence?Counts Nominal Numerical Ordinal26A significant proportion of the models used inbusiness intelligence systems,such_________models, require input dataconcerned with future events.Project management model learning model Predictive model optimization model27____________ learning analyses are notguided by a target attribute.Supervised Guided Unguided Unsupervised28Once a mathematical model has beendefined, one will naturally wish to proceedwith its solution to assess decisions and toselect the best alternative.Development of algorithms Mathematical relationships Numerical parameters Evaluation criteria29___________are categorical attributes inrelation to which a specific property can betrue or false.Counts Nominal Numerical Ordinal30Which attributes are categorical attributeswithout a natural ordering, such as theprovince of residence.Counts Nominal Numerical Ordinal
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- SerialNo.Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Business IntelligenceSample Questions For Self Practice31which attributes are numerical attributes thatassume a finite number or a countable infinityof values?counts Discrete Numerical Ordinal32The purpose of a data mining process is some-times to provide a simple and conciserepresentation of the information stored inwhich dataset?.small dataset large dataset. numeric dataset stored dataset33Transformations of this kind are usuallyreferred to as feature______Transformations Extraction Scaling Standardization34The use methods will be explained within theclassification methods called _____________.K-means K-nearest support vector machines Normalization35The purpose of feature selection, also called__________.feature reduction feature compression feature normalization feature denormalization36An _______in the company informationsystems, expected to supervise the access tothe information trainer developer tester37Trough which the effort of representation isjustified by the remarkable conciseness of theinformation achieved.through a well-designeddocumentationthrough a class diagramthrough a well-designedchartthrough a well-designedjournal38Data may contain erroneous or anomalousvalues, which are usually referred toas_____________.Noise outliers Inconsistencies Reduction39Estimate procedures can become rathercomplex and time-consuming for a largedataset with a high percentageof___________.Training data missing data result data expert data40_____________methods select the relevantattributes before moving on to thesubsequent learning phase, and are thereforeindependent of the specific algorithm beingused.Filter embedded wrapper scaling41 k-means clustering is also referred to as ? Non-hierarchical clustering Optimizing partitioning Divisive clustering Agglomerative clustering42 Clustering is what type of learning? Supervised Unsupervised Semi-supervised Reinforcement43When data are classified according to a singlecharacteristic, it is called:Quantitative classification Qualitative classification Area classification Simple classification44Which of the following statements aboutNaive Bayes is incorrect?Attributes are equallyimportant.Attributes are statisticallydependent of one anothergiven the class value.Attributes are statisticallyindependent of oneanother given the classvalue.Attributes can be nominal ornumeric
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- SerialNo.Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Business IntelligenceSample Questions For Self Practice45Classification of data according to location orareas is called:Qualitative classification Quantitative classification Geographical classification Chronological classification46The development of model consists of whichphases?Training , Testing Training, Predicting Training, future analysis Testing, future analysis47 What is the value of K in K-means clustering? Distance between centroids Distance between clusters Number of clustersNumber of values present ineach cluster48Based on which criteria Root node of decisiontree is selected?Variable with low informationgainVariable with highinformation gainVariable with negativeinformation gainVariable with informationgain is zero49Which statement is not true about clusteranalysis?Objects in one cluster aresimilar to each other anddissimilar to objects in the otherclustersCluster analysis is also calledclassification analysis ornumerical taxonomy.Groups or clusters aresuggested by the data, notdefined a priori.Cluster analysis is a techniquefor analysing data when thecriterion or dependentvariable is categorical and theindependent variables areinterval in nature.50 Regression is what type of learning? Supervised Unsupervised Semi-supervised Reinforcement51In classification, the data are arrangedaccording to:Similarities Differences Percentages Ratios52 Classify variable which is not continuous? age height gender revenue of medical shop53Which are supervised learning methods forpredicting the value of a categorical targetattribute?Classification Clustering Regression Customization54 Neural Networks are methods of ? Regression Clustering Classification Customization55Which model is used for prediction ofcontinuous target variables?Probabilistic Regression Separation Heuristic56 Classification is what type of learning? Supervised Unsupervised Semi-supervised Reinforcement57 In which type target variable is binary ? Linear Regression Logistic Regression Decision Tree Clustering58In which type target variable is continuousvalue ?Linear Regression Logistic Regression Decision Tree Clustering59Which method of analysis does not classifyvariables as dependent or independent?regression analysis discriminant analysis analysis of variance cluster analysis60In the K-means clustering algorithm usingwhich method the distance between clustercentroid to each object is calculated?Cluster distance Euclidean distance Cluster width Cluster height61 Business intelligence applications consists of ? Marketing models Relational Model strategic Model Business Model62Marketing models consistes of whichmarketing.Sequential relational hybrid store63Selling products or services to companies isknown as ?B2B B2C C2B C2C
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- SerialNo.Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Business IntelligenceSample Questions For Self Practice64What refers to the attempt to sell anadditional product or service to an activecustomer?cross-selling up-selling down-selling selling65What refers to make a customer to purchasean higher-level product or service, richer infunctions for the user and more profitable forthe company?cross-selling up-selling down-selling selling66___________ sales activities take place at oneor more sites managed by a companysupplying some products or services, wherecustomers go to make their purchases.Residential Mobile Telephone market67In ____________ sales, agents of thesupplying company go to the customers’homes or offices to promote their productsand services and collect ordersResidential Mobile Telephone market68__________ sales are carried out through aseries of contacts by telephone withprospective customers.Residential Mobile Telephone market69The decision-making processes relative tosalesforce management can be grouped intothree categories: design, planning and__________ .implement assessment analysis maintainance70The purpose of assessment and controlactivities is to measure the _________ and________ of individuals employed in the salesnetworkeffectiveness, efficiency activeness, efficiency efficiency, speed security, privacy71analysis of the products jointly purchased bycustomers, known as which analysis?customer business product market basket72Web mining methods are mostly used forwhich mining?Content document file text73Web mining methods are mostly used forwhich mining?Structure tree graph warehoue74Web mining methods are mostly used forwhich mining?Usage time file product75Which management is a managerial policywhose purpose is to maximize profits throughan optimal balance between demand andsupply?customer sales Revenue project
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- SerialNo.Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Business IntelligenceSample Questions For Self Practice76__________ Analysis is a PerformanceMeasurement technique which is used forcomparing the performances of similar unitsof an organization.Data Envelopment market data customer77The units for which we are doing theperformance analysis are called _________Unitsdata warehouse Decision Making Business78The purpose of data envelopment analysis(DEA) is to compare the operatingperformance of a ___________ such ascompanies, university departments, hospitals,bank branch offices, production plants, ortransportation systemsset of units employee salesman serive79DEA is a technique calculates the efficienciesof all ____________ by taking a set of inputand output variables (which are generally themost important business metrics of theorganization) and then set a benchmark.DMUs MUs DUs Ds80The ______________ , also known asproduction function, expresses therelationship between the inputs utilized andthe outputs producedsales efficient frontier marketing algorithm81What is a prior part of KnowledgeManagement System?storage processing deleting updating82What is a role of people in knowledgemanagement systemcommunity of practices communication of practices corelation of practices cordination of practices83 What is knowlegde Engineering?rules to apply to data to imitatethe thought process of a humanexpertprocess of a human expertsystem with knowledgeSet of rules for the dataupdationtechnical aspects ofengineering84 Artificial Intelligence Vs Natural Intelligenceunsustainable for climatechangeBrain organoids lookpromisingdoesn't learn like humans not structured85What is a collective information of rawmaterials?Information Data Knowledge Business86First basic step for knowledge managementprocess issummarizing information Data collection Data analysis Data classification87Following step is not involved in knowledgemanagement processDecision making Information Analyzing Application Development Synthesizing
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- SerialNo.Question Answer1 Answer2 Answer3 Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject : Business IntelligenceSample Questions For Self Practice88Who is not involved in organizationaltransformationPeople process technology Market shares89 Artificial intelligence is a study and design of operations research intelligent agents neuroscience control theory90 Expert systems are capable ofassisting human in decisionmakingrefining their own knowledgepossessing humancapabilitiessubstituting human91Which cycle is used to make system as expertsystem?Expert System CycleKnowledge ManagementSystemmachine learning life cycle all of the above92Knowlege portals are designed with the helpof ?HTML XLXS CSS XML93What is a set of knowledge necessary fordesign?failure factorsThe technical programmingand design know-howTechnology andImplementationDesign and implementation94The Information Technology has __________approach in Knowlegde Management?Testing Analyzing Designing Coding95What is a set of algorithms, which performjudgment and reasoning?an interference engine search enginenatural languageinterfacinghueristic engine96 Knowledge consist of Data and Information onlypast experience and dataonlydata,information & pastexperienceonly past experience97Knowledge engineers acquire informationfrom subject expert byrecording interviewing observing his/her work All of above98Forward and Backward channing are thestrategies ofInference EngineKnowledge managementprocessData mining processEffective communicationprocess99 The components of Expert system includes knowledge base inference engine user interface all of above100knowledge management process has ______basic steps4 6 8 7
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