IT in Service Management - Practice MCQ Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
6 Pages
Contributed by
Himanshu David Mody
- Sr No.QuestionAnswer1Answer2Answer3Answer41The rigid ‘plan and deploy’ model is giving way to the dynamicwhich model?plain and collaborate engage and collaborate engage and deploy plain and deploy2Which among the following is a set of specialized organizationalcapabilities for providing value to customers in the form ofservices?Service management Service Process management Process3Which among the following is a means of delivering value tocustomers by facilitating outcomes customers want to achievewithout the ownership of specific costs and risks?Activity Function Service Process4Which of the following combination is fitness for purpose andfitness for use?Warranty , Utility Utility, Safety Performance warranty Utility, Warranty5What can span organizational and geographic boundaries, often incomplex variants creating unique designs and patterns ofexecution?service process Business processes agent process application process6Which among the following is a set of coordinated activitiescombining and implementing resources and capabilities in order toproduce an outcome, which, directly or indirectly, creates value foran external customer or stakeholder?A Function A System A Process A service7Which among the following is a necessary condition fordeveloping organizational capabilities?Specialization Generalization Encapsulation Coordination8Which among the following hides what is not the customer’sconcern and exposes as a service what is useful and usable tothem?Coordination Specialization Generalization Encapsulation9With which among the following, it is easier to make changesinternal to the resource without adversely affecting utilization?tight coupling loose coupling semi loose coupling semi tight coupling10Which among the following is a group of interacting, interrelated,or interdependent components that form a unified whole, operatingtogether for a common purpose?A Service A Function A process A system11Select the appropriate Control processes in which the value of theoutcome has no influence on the process loop intermediate loop closed loop embedded loop12Select the appropriate Control processes in which the value of theoutcome has influence on the process loop intermediate loop closed loop embedded loop13Which of the following are considered intangible assets of anorganization that cannot be purchased, but must be developed andmatured over time?Resources Capabilities Services Processes14Which among the following is simply a bundle of assets meant tocreate value for customersin the form of goods and services?service unit market space business unit service desk15Resources are considered to be what type of assets of anorganization?intangible tangible strategic incorporeal16What does A in RACI model stand for? Aim Accountability Arbitrary Allowable17Which of the following perspectives of ITIL focuses on vision anddirection for the services?Perspective Position Plan PatternTYBScIT Sem VI Subject :IT in Service ManagementSample Questions For Self Practice
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- Sr No.QuestionAnswer1Answer2Answer3Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject :IT in Service ManagementSample Questions For Self Practice18Which of the following perspectives of ITIL represents consistentdecisions and actions over time?Perspective Position Plan Pattern19Which among the following focusses on carrying out the activity inthe same way because the things are going well?Crisis management Extrapolation management Managing by hopeSubjectivemanagement20Which of the following is NOT a type of service provider? Internal external shared hybrid21What are the 4 P's of Service Design?People, Products,Processes andPartnersPublic, Processes, Productsand PartnersPrivate, Processes,Partners, ProductsPeople, Partners,Public, Products22Which among the following defines the level of service expectedby a customer from a supplier?Service levelAcceleration Service level Customer Service level AssociateService levelAgreement23A structured along with which approach to design activities shouldbe adopted? holistic unrealistic intermittent historical24Which of the following is not a part of tendering process? RFI RFP RFQ RFB25Which of the following service management aligns serviceprovisions with business goals and objectives?Business ServiceManagementBusiness SecurityManagement Business Set Management Business tree chart26Which among the following service catalogue containsinformation on supplies ,prices, point of contact, ordering andrequest processes? ITIC ITIS ITIL ITIP27Which among the following is an structured approach toidentifying causes service interruptions?Service FailureAnalysis Service cause Analysis Service Structure Analysis Set Failure Analysis28Which among the following provides a summary of testing andassessment activities performed by any ITSM process? test plan test points test case test report29Which of the following is not an sub process of informationsecurity management?security validationand testing design of security controls personal reviewmanagement ofsecurity incidents30Which among the following is a legal binding agreement betweena service provider and the customer to supply or receive certainservices? denial Contract illegitimate adjournment31Which of the following pertaining to performance is required toIdentifying Service Requirements?measurements andmetrics maintenance Skill Ability32An additional evaluation stage may be necessary if one of thefollowing services and solutions are involved. external supplier internal supplier existence internet33Development Manager works with which of the following threethings?Technology, Manpower, SystemFunctionality, Resourcesand ScheduleResources, Technology,ProductsTechnology,Resources andSchedule34Which among the following is a subset of the overall ServicePortfolio and contains details of all the business requirements thathave not yet become serviced released to the live environment? Service catalouge Service operation Service Pipeline Service strategy35In balanced design which of the following refers to people,technology and money available? resources schedule functionality hiring36Fullform of SOA:Software orientedarchitectureService orientedArchitectureSoftware oriented aspectService orientedaspect
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- Sr No.QuestionAnswer1Answer2Answer3Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject :IT in Service ManagementSample Questions For Self Practice37Which of the following is not a service design process?Service catalougemanagementService level management Supplier managementVerification andvalidationmanagement38Which of the following catalouge contains details of all the ITservice from customer's view of the service catalouge?Business servicecatalougetechnical service catalouge Access service catalougeSoftware servicecatalouge39OLA stands for:OLAP levelagreementOverall level agreementOperational levelagreementObjective levelagreement40Which of the following refers to confidentiality ,integrityandauthentication?Serviceability Resilience Availability Security41Service Transition Process module ensures that all change inservice management processes are implemented in which manner? mismatch co-ordinated Improper compatible42Benefit of service transition process model is to increase Whatrate of business changes and releases? non adaptable failure decline success43What leads to changes in hardware and software maintenancecontracts?decommissioning ofcomponentscommissioning ofcomponents preserving of componentsrestoring ofcomponents44In Service Transition Process module CI stands for: Control item Configuration indent Configuration item Complex item45All attributes of CI are tracked by Which among the following? CMTB CMDB CMRB CMMB46It is very much important to do which of the following to thepolicies with regards to the overall framework for governance andservice management.? breakdown mismatch misalign align47SKMS in Service transition stands for:Service KnowledgeMeet SystemSystem KnowledgeManagement SystemService KnowledgeManagement SystemService KnowledgeMode System48It is the duty of competent decision makers to provide whichamong the following?right people at righttime with qualitydata.right people at right timewith inefficient data.right people at right timewith insufficient data.right people at righttime with vile data.49Resources are utilized in what manner throughout servicetransition to reduce costs? overlooked degenerated degraded optimized50KPI means which among the following?key performanceindicator key problem indicator key plan informationkey probleminformation51The service transition process and activities depends on whichamong the following?effective servicetransitionchange management,evaluation resources cost52All release standard should have unique identifier that can be usedby which of the following?configurationmanagement anddocumentationstandard major release minor release emergency releases53CSF in service transition stands for:Critical SystemFactor Critical Set Factor Critical Success FactorCritical SequenceFactor54Select the correct action to be taken beforehand so that mitigatingmeasures can be taken.anticipatingdifficulties decline the difficulties ignore the difficultiesunpredicted thedifficulties55The provision of services in all organization must be which of thefollowing with respect to the currently changing businessrequirement? inline deteriorated degraded infix
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- Sr No.QuestionAnswer1Answer2Answer3Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject :IT in Service ManagementSample Questions For Self Practice56RFC stands for: Request for code Request for change Request for ControlRequest forconfiguration57Which of the following is not an approach to Release anddeployment management? Big bang pull virtual push58What does I in DIKW stand for? Information Integrity Influence Induction59Which of the following is NOT a sub process of validaton andtesting process?Service acceptancetesting Unit testing integration testing Elimination testing60Assets are managed by which of the following service transitionprocess? SACM change management knowledge managementvalidationmanagement61The objective of which among the following is to make sure allconfiguration items or services are monitored constantly?Event Management Incident Management Request Fulfilment Access Management62Which among the following deals with granting rights toauthorized user to use the service?Event Management Incident Management Request Fulfilment Access Management63Which among the following process of service operation dealswith finding root cause of the problem?Event Management Problem Management Request Fulfilment Incident Management64Which among the following function of service operationcoordinates activities between end user & the IT service providerteam?Service desk Application Management Technical ManagementIT operationManagement65Which among the following process deals with handling requestssuch as change password, create new user etc.?Event Management Request Fulfilment Incident Management Access Management66What concentrates on restoring the service to users as quickly aspossible, in order to minimize business impact? Event Management Request Fulfilment Problem Management Incident Management67Which of the following is NOT a category of significance ofevents? Informational Warning Exception Correlation68Which among the following is a method of documenting causesand effects which can be useful in helping identify wheresomething may be going wrong, or be improved?ChronologicalAnalysis Brainstorming Ishikawa Diagrams Pareto Analysis69CMS stands for?Chance managementsystemsConfidentialitymanagement systemControl managementsystemConfigurationmanagement system70Which among the following is a situation where the user willprobably use the same set of services, but will need access todifferent levels of functionality or data? Job changes Promotions or demotions Transfers. Retirement.71Which among the following describes best practice for managingservices in supported environment?Service Transition Service StrategyServiceOperation CSI72Which among the following focuses on the way in which ITcomponents and systems are managed to deliver the services? Internal IT View External IT View Group Department73Which among the following have a hierarchical reporting structurewith managers who are usually responsible for the execution of theactivities? Groups Teams Functions Departments74The Operations meeting is usually chaired by the Which among thefollowing? Availability Manager IT Operations ManagerIT Service ContinuityManager Capacity Manager
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- Sr No.QuestionAnswer1Answer2Answer3Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject :IT in Service ManagementSample Questions For Self Practice75The purpose of Which among the following is to communicateeffectively to a group of people about a common set of objectivesor activities? Meetings Notices Document-sharing utilities. Pagers76Which of the following is not a successful factor for successfulmeeting?Developing clearcommunicationagenda DocumentationEnsure the objectives of themeetig are achievedEnsuring the rules areunderstood77Which of the following status means that the service desk hasreceived the incident but has not assigned it to any service deskagent? Assigned New On-hold Resolved78Which of the following status means that the incident has beenassigned to an agent and he/she is actively working to diagnoseand resolve the incident? Assigned In-progress On-hold Resolved79Which of the following status that the incident has been assignedto an agent and he/she is actively working to diagnose and resolvethe incident? Assigned In-progress On-hold Resolved80Which of the following status that the incident requires some moreinformation or response form a third party? Assigned In-progress On-hold Resolved81What are the 4 phases of Deming Cycle ?Plan, Assess, Check,ReportPlan, Check, Revise,Improve Plan, Do, Check, Act Plan, Do, Act, Assess82What are the Key benefits of the Continual Service Improvementphase?Increased growth,Decrease in ReturnOn Investment,CompetitiveAdvantage, IncreasedValue On InvestmentIncreased growth, IncreasedReturn On Investment,Competitive Advantage,Increased Value OnInvestmentDecrease growth, IncreasedReturn On Investment,Competitive Advantage,Increased Value OnInvestmentIncreased Return OnInvestment,CompetitiveAdvantage, DecreaseValue On Investment,Decrease growth83What does SIP refers to?SoftwareImplementation Plan Service Improvement PlanSoftware ImprovementPlan Software In Pipeline84Where are all the improvement initiatives recorded? KMS CMS SKMS CSI register85Purchase, licenses, installation and configuration, maintenancecosts of hardware, software and other equipment comes underwhich type of cost ? Labour Tooling Training Expertise86What type of analysis is a business assessment tool enabling anorganization to compare where it is currently and where it wants togo in the future? Predictive Gap Descriptive Prescriptive87Which among the following is a process used in management, inwhich organizations evaluate various aspects of their processes inrelation to best practice? Benchmarking Threshold Convention Criterion88Which among the following are a prime input to CSI enabling anunderstanding of the Issues that are affecting the overall serviceprovision that capture the CI affected? Errors Events Problems Incidents
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- Sr No.QuestionAnswer1Answer2Answer3Answer4TYBScIT Sem VI Subject :IT in Service ManagementSample Questions For Self Practice89Salaries of the organization’s staff who are involved inimplementing the measurement framework comes under whichtype of cost? Labour Tooling Training Expertise90Which among the following are status messages that are generatedfrom systems, network and application management platforms? Errors Events Problems Incidents91Which of the following is a business evaluation tool that allows anorganization to compare its current location and future destination? Benchmarking Gap analysis Assessment Criterion92SWOT Analysis means strength, weakness, opportunities and Test Threats Timelines tardiness93The objective of which of the following management is topermanently identify and remove errors that impact infrastructureservices? Assess Supply Problem Acess94Which of the following management tools allow for the collectionof availability, capacity and performance data from a multitude ofdomains and platforms within the IT infrastructure environment? Service Performance Strategy Incident95Which of the following cost includes travel- and accommodation-related expenses for team members who need to travel to the site? Labour Visit Training Expertise96Which of the following are NOT the reasons to monitor andmeasure? To validate To direct To justify To deliver97PRINCE stands forProjects in controlledenvironmentProjects in combinedenvironmentproducts in controlledenvironmentproducts in combinedenvironment98CMMI stands for:Capability maturitymodel integrationCombined maturity modelintegrationCombined maturity methodintegrationconsolidated maturitymodel integration99Which of the following attributes help achieve the goalsaccording to SWOT? Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats100Which of the following attributesare the external conditionsharmful to achieveing the goal according to SWOT? Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats
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