Political Sociology Questions with answers
Question Bank
44 Pages
Contributed by
Chitranjan Nawab
- 2020CBCSSOCIOLOGYVI SemesterPaper XII B (Political Sociology)UNIT-ICHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER1. ‘Das Capital’ is written by –a) Max Weberb) Karl Marxc) Lipsetd) Alexis de Tocqueville2. Political Sociology is the study of the interrelation betweena) Society & Cultureb) Power & Politicsc) Politics & Societyd) Culture & Politics.3. Which theory of Marx laid the foundation for the sociology of politics?a) Economic determinismb) Surplus Valuec) Alienationd) Positivism4. Political Sociology as a distinct subject emerged in thea) 1920sb) 1980sc) 1990sd) 1950s
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- 5. According to Weber, in the modern western societies the bases of political authority isa) rational-legal authorityb) traditional authorityc) charismatic authorityd) symbolic authority6. Political Sociology studies power, authority and legitimacy of state in relation to –a) Social relationb) Economic relationc) Political relationd) Physical relation7. American Political Science Association was founded ina) 1891b) 1930c) 1903d) 19408. Political Sociology tries to explore how various social forces work together to change-a) Social institutionsb) Political policiesc) Valuesd) Social structures9. Who among the following is regarded as the father of Political Sociology?a) Max Weberb) Auguste Comtec) Herbert Spencerd) Immanuel Kant10. Who brought into focus issues concerning the nature of political power and itsrelationship with social or economic organisation?a) MacIverb) Emile Durkheim
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- c) Talcott Parsonsd) Karl Marx11. Political Sociology focuses attention of the relationship between-a) Party & Politicsb) State & Societyc) Culture & Valuesd) Power & Politics12. Political Sociology is ‘The study of political behaviour within a sociological perspectiveof framework’ is a definition given by-a) Robert E Dowse & John Hughesb) Michael Rush & Phillip Althoffc) R Bendixd) Keith Faulks13. Max Weber examined the entrepreneurial drives of individuals in capitalist economies in–a) Economy and Societyb) Communist Manifestoc) The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalismd) Das Capital14. Modes of Production create social groups called –a) Serfsb) Castesc) Estated) Classes15. ‘Democracy in America’ was written by-a) Alexis de Tocquivilleb) Auguste Comtec) Pierre Bourdieud) C Wright Mills16. Which of the following is not Weber’s authority?a) Traditional authorityb) Charismatic authorityc) Rational- legal authorityd) Political authority
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- 17. The following Authority is based on loyalty to the sacred attribute, heroic force orcommendable character-a) Rational-legal authorityb) Traditional authorityc) Charismatic authorityd) Political authority18. According to Marx, the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of-a) Class struggleb) Revolutionc) Feudalismd) Slavery19. The idea of political legitimacy is associated with-a) Karl Marxb) Max Weberc) Emile Durkheimd) Davis and Moore20. Which of the following is not an example of ‘traditional authority’?a) Feudalismb) Rule by eldersc) Patriarchyd) Magistrate21. Which of the following is not within the scope of Political Sociology?a) Voting behaviourb) Problem of Untouchabilityc) Political decision makingd) Problem of bureaucracy22. The breakdown of traditional society and the emergence of modern society in Europeexposed for the first time the difference between-a) State & societyb) State & Nationc) Society & Communityd) Norms & Values23. ‘A contribution to the critique of Political Economy’ is by-a) Dahrendorf
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- b) Georg Simmelc) Garfinkeld) Karl Marx24. ‘An administrative body of appointed officials’-a) Capitalistb) Serfsc) Bureaucracyd) Feudal lords25. ‘Communist Manifesto’ was written by –a) Max Weberb) Herbert Spencerc) Karl Marxd) George Ritzer26. Which of the following is not an elements of Weberian model of bureaucracy?a) Hierarchyb) Nepotismc) Rulesd) Written documents27. Political Sociology was originally construed as –a) Society and Politicsb) Power and Societyc) Power and Authorityd) Sociology of Politics.28. Which of the following is true about proletariat?a) Rule of the working classb) Rule of Capitalist classc) Government by the peopled) Rule of educated class29. The modern and developed society advocates-a) Charismatic authorityb) Traditional authorityc) Rational-legal authorityd) Gerontocracy30. According to Karl Marx, main cause responsible for the emergence of social class was-
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- a) Economyb) Socialc) Religiousd) Politics31. ‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’ was written by-a) Karl Marxb) Max Weberc) Georg Simmeld) Emile Durkheim32. The bourgeois are the-a) the working classb) the labourersc) the idealistd) the capitalistFILL IN THE BLANKS1. Political Sociology has brought into focus that ____________ variables have great impactupon society, culture and economic life of the people.2. ______________ studies how major social trends can affect the political process.3. The idea of historical development of human societies obeying laws of nature was adoptedby __________ .4. Political Sociology is the study of state and _____________________.5. For Marx, social structure was determined by the ______________________ of a givensociety.6. Political Sociology rightly places emphasis upon the study of the functions of groups in___________.7. ________________ behaviour is just one aspect of human behaviour particularly insociety.8. Weber specified _________ types of actions based on rationality.9. Marx says that the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the _______________ ideas.
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- 10 . Political Sociology lies at the intersection of disciplines of _____________________and sociology.11. According to Karl Marx, human actors make history and constitute a _______________.12. When power attains legitimacy or justification it is known as ________________.13. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela are examples of ___________________authority.14. ________________ authority rests on customs and prescriptions.15. Because of possessing the political power, the ______________ class is capable ofexploiting and oppressing the working class.16. ___________________ authority is based on ordinances, norms and legality of theoffices/ institutions of those who exercise authority.17. According to Marx, ___________ is the manifestation of economic differentiation.18. According to _______________ ‘a person’s class situation is basically his marketsituation’.19. The bourgeois and the _______________ are the two classes in the Capitalist society.20. Weber considered ____________ to be the ‘purest type of exercise of legal authority’.21. ______________ behaviour is always influenced by social behaviour, economic well-being and morality.22. ________________ emphasizes the political power of capitalist elites.23. Political Sociology helped __________ to become a more comprehensive socialdiscipline24. _______________ used a number of methods such as sampling, interviewing, scaling andstatistical analysis to understand political behaviour.25. Political Sociology concerns itself with ________ in the broadest sense.26. If a dominant class has economic power, _______________ power automaticallyconcentrates in its hands.27. ______________ is the legal and legitimate power.28. According to Weber, ______________ is the best example of rational-legal authority.29. Weber’s theory of Bureaucracy was a response to the demands of ________________,which required an efficient administration.
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- UNIT II & IIICHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER1. Who introduced the six fold classification of political system?a) Socratesb) Platoc) Aristotled) Pythagoras2. Rule by a few is known asa) Democracyb) Monarchyc) Oligarchyd) Theocracy3. Which of the following statement is false?a) Democracy is opposed to the use of coercive methods.b) Democracy believes in methods of persuasion and peace.c) Democracy does not guarantee individuals freedom of speech.d) Democracy stands in the spirit of tolerance.4. Direct Democracy is also known asa) Representative democracyb) Complex democracyc) Pure democracyd) Compound democracy5. Direct Democracy existed in the ancient cities ofa) Egyptb) Greecec) Romed) Mesopotamia6. Indirect democracy is not practiced in which of the following country.a) Vatican Cityb) United Kingdomc) Canadad) India7. Which of the following statement about ‘Representative Democracy’ is true?a) It is also known as Simple Democracy
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- b) People exercise power directlyc) This kind of democracy can exist and function only in small statesd) The govt. is run by the representative who are elected by the people8. A: Democracy stands on the Spirit of tolerance and allows people to have diverse interestB: Sovereignty rest with the government in democracya) A is true but B is falseb) B is true but A is falsec) Both A and B are trued) Both A and B are false9. Which of the following is not an essential feature of totalitarian system?a) Militant Nationalismb) One Party Rulec) Distinction between state and Governmentd) One Man Rule10. A: A dictator dictate terms as he pleasesB: Dictatorship makes its sheer will the sole justification of its authoritya) A is true but B is falseb) B is true but A is falsec) Both A and B are trued) Both A and B are false11. Which of the following countries follow totalitarian form of Government?a) Eritreab) Russiac) Burmad) China12. Which of the following statement is true of an Totalitarian system of Government?a) Existence of freedom of pressb) Free and fair electionc) Hostile to Internationalismd) Leaders are directly elected by the people13. A: Dictators are opposed to militant or aggressive nationalismB: Civil, Political and Economic liberty are championed by a dictatora) A is true but B is falseb) B is true but A is false
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- c) Both A and B are trued) Both A and B are false14. The word ‘demos’ in democracy meansa) Stateb) Powerc) Peopled) Government15. In what type of Government can recall referendum or impeachment be introduced?a) Democracyb) Totalitarianc) Oligarchyd) Monarchy16. The Theocratic nation of The Islamic Republic of Iran was founded bya) Mohammed Reza Pahlavib) Ali Hosseini Khameneic) RuhollahMusavi Khomeinid) Hassan Rouhani17. What was the treaty signed for the creation of Vatican City?a) Vatican Treatyb) Lateran Treatyc) The Vatican-Rome Treatyd) The Catholic Treaty18. A: Theocracy denotes a political unit governed by a deity or official thought to bedivinely gifted.B: The community established by Prophet Muhammad in Medina was a theocracy.a) A is true but B is Falseb) B is true but A is Falsec) Both A and B are Trued) Both A and B are False19. Which of the following statement is true?a) Theocratic forms of government have existed throughout historyb) The Kingdom of Cambodia is a theocracyc) The United State of America was once a theocratic nationd) Religion does not play any role in theocracy
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