Sales Management MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions 62 Pages

Contributed by

Parvez Lal Banik
  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    Q.1. Sales management is discipline of …………….benefits a company and its customers receive
    from the efforts of its sales force.
    (1). Minimizing
    (2). Maximizing
    (3). Controlling
    (4) None of the above
    ANSWER (2)
    Q.2. According to ………………sales management includes recruitment, selection, training,
    motivation, supervision on the urork, and evaluation of performance of sales force.
    (1) Rachman & Romane
    (2) B.R.Canfield
    (3) Hampton & Zubin
    (4) American marketing Association
    ANSWERS- (1)
    Q 3. The amin objective of sales management are ………………
    (1) Decrease in profits and continuous growth
    (2) Increase in profits and stagnant growth
    (3) Increase in profits and continuous growth
    (4) Decrease in profits and stagnant growth
    ANSWERS (3)
    Q.4. Sales management achieves personal selling objectives through ……………
    (1) Personal Selling Strategy
    (2) Interpersonal selling strategy
    (3) Selling strategy
    (4) None of the above

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    ANSWER (1)
    Q5. Sales management is the …………….of a sales staff, and the tracking and reporting of the
    company’s sales.
    (1) Strategy
    (2) Training and management
    (3) Management
    (4) None of the above
    ANSWERS (2)
    Q 6. Sales management is the ………………….of sales staff, and the tracking and reporting of the
    company’s sales.
    (1) Management
    (2) Selling strategy
    (3) Demonstration
    (4) Development of human resources
    ANSWERS (4)
    Q 7 . The scope of sales management is confined not only to self centered corporate goal profit
    and sales maximization but also to ……………..
    (1) Good welfare
    (2) Consumer welfare
    (3) Organization welfare
    (4) Individual welfare
    ANSWER (2)
    Q.8. ………….is the fundamental guiding principle of sales management.
    (1) Customer delight
    (2) Customer orientation
    (3) Client satisfacation

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    (4) None of the above
    ANSWERS (1)
    Q.9. In an organization ……………… also very useful when technically complex products are in
    the process to sell.
    (1) Individual selling approach
    (2) Group selling approach
    (3) Team based selling approach
    (4) None of the above
    ANSWER (3)
    Q.10. One of the element of sales planning is to ………for selling activities.
    (1) Set objectives
    (2) Schedule objectives
    (3) Track Objectives
    (4) None of the above
    ANSWER ( 1)
    Q.11 Avon, Amway, and Tupperware use which of the following forms of channel distribution?
    (1) direct marketing channel
    (2) indirect marketing channel
    (3) forward channel
    (4) fashion channel
    ANSWERS (1)
    Q.12. From the economic system’s point of view, the role of marketing intermediaries is to
    (1) raw products into finished products.
    (2) consumer needs into producer needs.

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    (3) consumer needs and wants into product desires.
    (4) assortments of products made by producers into the assortments wanted by consumers.
    ANSWERS- ( 4)
    Q.13. When the manufacturer establishes two or more channels catering to the same market,
    then …………… occurs.
    (1) Vertical channel conflict
    (2) Horizontal channel conflict
    (3) Multi channel conflict
    (4) None of the above
    ANSWER- (3)
    Q.14 A distribution channel moves goods and services from producers to consumers. It
    overcomes the major time, place, and ………….gaps that separate goods and services from those
    who would use them.
    (1) possession
    (2) profit
    (3) image
    (4) psychological
    ANSWER (1)
    Q.15.Through their contacts, experience, specialization, and scale of operation,usually offer the
    firm more than it can achieve on its own.
    (1) manufacturers
    (2) producers
    (3) direct marketers
    (4) intermediaries
    ANSWER (4)

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    Q.16.Makers of televisions, cameras, tires, furniture, and major appliances normally use which
    of the following distribution channel forms?
    (1) direct marketing channel
    (2) indirect marketing channel
    (3) horizontal channel
    (4) synthetic channel
    ANSWER (2)
    Q.17. Using manufacturer’s representatives or sales branches is usually a characteristic of which
    of the following channel forms?
    (1) business marketing channels
    (2) customer marketing channels
    (3) service marketing channels
    (4) direct marketing channels
    ANSWER (4)
    Q 18.Transporting and storing goods is part of which of the following marketing channel
    (1) negotiation
    (2) physical distribution
    (3) contact
    (4) matching
    ANSWER (b)
    Q.19. Who sells to the customers?
    (1) Semi wholesalers
    (2) Wholesalers
    (3) Retailer
    (4) Distributor

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    ANSWER- (3)
    Q.20.The benefits of marketing channels are………..
    (1) Cost saving
    (2) Time saving
    (3) Financial support given
    (4) All of above
    ANSWER- (4)
    Q.21…………… a layer of intermediaries that performs some work in bringing the product and
    its ownership closer to the buyer.
    (1) A direct marketing channel
    (2) An indirect marketing channel
    (3) A channel level
    (4) A channel switching system
    ANSWER- (3)
    Q.22.Which of the following statements about sales force management is true?
    (1) The sales force is the firm's most direct link to the customer
    (2) The statement, "The world will beat a path to your door if you build a better mousetrap,"
    reflects how business operates today
    (3) As organizations implement the marketing concept, they soon realize how important it is to
    be sales-oriented
    (4) Personal selling is usually less expensive than advertising
    ANSWERS- (3)
    Q 23. With respect to a channel of distribution, the number of intermediary levels within the
    channel indicates the of a channel.
    (2) depth

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    (3) length
    (4) similarity
    ANSWRS- (3)
    Q.24 Independent firms at different channel levels integrate their programs on a contractual
    basis to achieve systemic economies and increased market impact are known as……….
    (1) Corporate vertical marketing systems
    (2) Contractual vertical marketing systems
    (3) Administered vertical
    (4) None of the above
    ANSWERS- (2)
    Q.25. Which of the following statements about the sales force in the 21st century is true?
    (1.) Sales managers will use a hands-off approach and let the professional salesperson be his or
    her own boss
    (2) Transactional exchanges no longer occur
    (3) Sales management must be smart and nimble and provide technology-centered solutions to
    support the sales effort
    (4) Salespeople make little use of the Internet because they realize the importance of the
    personal touch
    ANSWERS- (1)
    Q.26……………….Is a marketing channel that has no intermediary levels.
    (1) direct marketing channel
    (2) indirect marketing channel
    (3) forward channel
    (4) hybrid channel
    ANSWERS- (1)

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    Q.27. When channel members assume responsibility for one or more of the marketing flows
    over at least two separate levels of distribution manufacturing and wholesaling, in fact, such
    systems are synonymous with both forward and backward vertical integration is known
    (1) Corporate vertical marketing systems
    (2) Contractual vertical marketing systems
    (3) Administered vertical marketing systems
    (4) None of the above
    Q28. The difference between transactional selling and relationship selling is
    (1) In transaction, selling buyers must pay cash
    (2) In relationship selling, buyers and sellers must be related
    (3) In transaction selling, sellers provide greater service
    (4) In relationship selling, sellers work to provide value to their customers
    ANSWER- (4)
    Q29. A…………….Is a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a
    product or service available for use of consumption by the consumer or business user.
    (1) retailer
    (2) wholesaler
    (3) distribution channel
    (4) middleman
    ANSWER- (3)
    Q.30.The work of setting up objectives for selling activities, determining and scheduling the
    steps necessary to achieve these objectives is known as………….
    (1) Selling
    (2) Sales policy
    (3) Sales programme

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    (4) Sales planning
    ANSWER- (4)
    Q.31..Karen is studying the potential for selling her company's products in China. As part of her
    analysis, she is assessing the number, types and availability of wholesalers and retailers. Karen
    is studying the country's
    (1) Natural conditions
    (2) Technological feasibility
    (3) Social and cultural norms
    (4) Distribution structure
    Q32 Mr. Narayan, the new national sales manager is learning about the internal organizational
    environment in her company. She will learn about all of the following EXCEPT
    (1) Human resources
    (2) Financial resources
    (3) Service capabilities
    (4) Social and cultural environment
    ANSWERS- (4)
    Q.33. Which is not a strategic role of sales management?
    (1) Tracking
    (2) Reporting
    (3) Delivery
    (4) Optimizes distribution
    Q.34. John, the sales manager for a building materials company, knows the customers in one
    profitable sales territory, are particularly hostile to women sales reps. John faces an ethical
    dilemma primarily in the area of:

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  • Dnyansagar Arts And Commerce College, Balewadi,Pune 45
    Subject- Sales Management 2013 pattern Sub.code- 505(B) Class: T. Y.BBA
    PROF. Shinde.P.S.
    (1) Determining compensation and incentives
    (2) Equal treatment in hiring and promotion
    (3) Respect for individuals in supervisory and training programs
    (4) Fairness in the design of sales territories
    ANSWER- (3)
    Q.35. large marketing intermediary, but not as large as a sole selling agent in terms of size,
    resources and territory of operation is known as………………..
    (1) Wholesaler
    (2) Sole selling agent
    (3) Direct marketing channel
    (4) Semi-wholesalers
    ANSWER- (1)
    Q.36. Many firms use environmental scanning to assess their external environment.
    Environmental scanning should be used to
    (1) Respond to current crises
    (2) Identify future threats and opportunities
    (3) Determine personnel performance
    (4) Allocate financial resources
    ANSWER- (2)
    Q.37. Sarah and Steve are sales reps for a major pharmaceutical company in the same
    geographic area. Sarah calls on private practice physicians, while Steve calls on hospital groups.
    Their sales manager would likely have an ethical dilemma in the area of:
    (1) Determining compensation and incentives
    (2) Equal treatment in hiring and promotion
    (3) Respect for individuals in supervisory and training programs
    (4) Fairness in the design of sales territories

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