Business Analytics using R Programming MCQs
Multiple Choice Questions
48 Pages
Contributed by
Nidhi Chand
- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar : Business AnalyticsCourse Code : 205 Course Name: Business Analytics using R ProgrammingMCQSrNoQuestionAnswer1Which of these measures are used to analyse the central tendency of data?a. Mean and Normal Distributionb. Mean, Median and Modec. Mode, Alpha & Ranged. Standard Deviation, Range and Meane. Median, Range and Normal DistributionB2Five numbers are given: (5, 10, 15, 5, 15). Now, what would be the sum ofdeviations of individual data points from their mean?A) 10 B)25 C) 50 D) 0 E) None of the aboveD3A test is administered annually. The test has a mean score of 150 and astandard deviation of 20. If Ravi’s z-score is 1.50, what was his score on thetest?A) 180 B) 130 C) 30 D) 150E) None of the aboveA4Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs whichincludes _____________a) Decision support b) Data mining c) OLAPd) All of the mentionedA5Point out the correct statement.a) OLAP is an umbrella term that refers to an assortment of softwareapplications for analyzing an organization’s raw data for intelligent decisionmakingb) Business intelligence equips enterprises to gain business advantage fromdatac) BI makes an organization agile thereby giving it a lower edge in today’sevolving market conditiond) None of the mentionedA6BI can catalyze a business’s success in terms of _____________a) Distinguish the products and services that drive revenuesb) Rank customers and locations based on profitabilityc) Ranks customers and locations based on probabilityd) All of the mentionedd7Which of the following areas are affected by BI?a) Revenue b) CRM c) Sales d) All of the mentionedD81. Business intelligence (BI) is a broad category of application programs whichD
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar _____________a) Decision support b) Data mining c) OLAPd) All of the mentioned9Which of the following measures of central tendency will always change if asingle value in the data changes?A) Mean B) Median C) Mode D) All of theseA10Strong assessment items are made up of five elements:1. a) Standard b) Stimulus2. c) Stem d) Key3. e) DistractorsA114. A good question is --------------- It focuses on recall of only the material coveredin your lesson and aligns well with the overall learning objectives5. a) relevant. b) clear c) concise d) purposeB126. A good question is framed in a-----------, easily understandable language,without any vagueness. Students should understand what is wanted from thequestion even when they don’t know the answer to it.7. a) clear b) relevant c) concise d) purposeA13A good question is usually crisp and----------. It omits any unnecessaryinformation that requires students to spend time understanding it correctly.The idea is not to trick learners but assess their knowledge.a) concise b) clear c) relevant d) purposeA141. _____ programming language is a dialect of S.a) B b) C c) R d) KC15Point out the WRONG statement?a) Early versions of the S language contain functions for statistical modelingb) The book Programming with Data by John Chambers documents S version ofthe languagec) In 1993 Bell Labs gave StatSci (later Insightful Corp.) an exclusive license todevelop and sell the S languaged) The book Programming with Data by IBM documents S version of thelanguageC16In 1991, R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in the Departmentof Statistics at the University of _________a) John Hopkinsb) Californiac) Harvardd) AucklandD
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar out the wrong statement?a) R is a language for data analysis and graphicsb) K is language for statistical modelling and graphicsc) One key limitation of the S language was that it was only available in acommercial package, S-PLUSd) C is a language for data and graphicsA18Business analytics results in which of these?a. Evidence Based Decisionsb. Data Driven Decisionsc. Better Decisionsd. All of these are correctD19Which one of the following is not a type of Business Analytics?a. Descriptive Analyticsb. Diagnostic Analyticsc. Predictive Analyticsd. Performance AnalyticsD20What will be the output of the following R code snippet?> paste("a", "b", se = ":")a) “a+b”b) “a=b”c) “a b :”d) none of the mentionedD21Point out the correct statement?a) In R, a function is an object which has the mode functionb) R interpreter is able to pass control to the function, along with arguments thatmay be necessary for the function to accomplish the actions that are desiredc) Functions are also often written when code must be shared with others or thepublicd) All of the mentioneD22The __________ function returns a list of all the formal arguments of a function.a) formals()b) funct()c) formal()d) fun()A23What will be the output of the following R code snippet?> f <- function(num = 1) {+ hello <- "Hello, world!\n"A
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar for(i in seq_len(num)) {+ cat(hello)+ }+ chars <- nchar(hello) * num+ chars+ }> f()a)Hello, world![1] 14b) Hello, world![1] 15c) Hello, world![1] 16d) Error24Point out the wrong statement?a) A formal argument can be a symbol, a statement of the form ‘symbol =expression’, or the special formal argumentb) The first component of the function declaration is the keyword functionc) The value returned by the call to function is not a functiond) Functions are also often written when code must be shared with others or thepublicA25You can check to see whether an R object is NULL with the _________ function.a) is.null()b) is.nullobj()c) null()d) as.nullobj()A26Which of the following code will print NULL?a) > args(paste)b) > arg(paste)A
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar > args(pastebin)d) > arg(bin)27What will be the output of the following R code snippet?> paste("a", "b", sep = ":")a) “a+b”b) “a=b”c) “a:b”d) a*bA28What will be the output of the following R code snippet?> f <- function(a, b) {+ print(a)+ print(b)+ }> f(45)a) 32b) 42c) 52d) 45A29What will be the output of the following R code snippet?> f <- function(a, b) {+ a^2+ }> f(2)a) 4b) 3c) 2d) 5A30Which of the following is a base package for R language?a) utilb) langc) toolsd) All of the aboveC
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar comes with a ________ to help you optimize your code and improve its performance.a) Debuggerb) Monitorc) Profilerd) None of the aboveA32debug() flags a function for ______ mode in R mode.a) debugb) runc) compiled) None of the aboveB33______ suspends the execution of a function wherever it is called and puts the functionin debug modea) recover()b) browser()c) Both of the aboveC34A matrix is ___dimensionsinal rectangular data set?a) 5b) 4c) 3d) 2D35The _____ function takes a vector or other objects and splits it into groups determinedby a factor or list of factors.a) apply()b) split()c) isplit()d) mapply()B36lapply function takes___ arguments in R languagea) 1b) 3c) 4d) 5C37____is used to apply a function over subsets of a vectora) apply()d
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar lapply()c) mapply()d) tapply()a)38_______applies a function over the margins of an arraya) apply()b) lapply()c) tapply()d) mapply()A39____function is same as lapply() in Rb) apply()c) lapply()d) sapply()e) tapply()C40_______ loop over a list and evaluate a function on each elementa) apply()b) lapply()c) sapply()d) tapply()A41__________ is proprietary tool for predictive analytics.a) Rb) SASc) SSASd) SPSSB42Data frames can be converted to a matrix by calling data._______a) matr()b) mat()c) matrix()d) None of the aboveC43Which of the following method make a vector of repeated values?a) rep()b) data()b
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar view()d) None of the above44R objects can have attributes, which are like ________ for the objecta) metadatab) featuresc) expressionsA45Attributes of an object (if any) can be accessed using the ______ function.a) objects()b) attrib()c) attributes()C46_________ involves predicting a response with meaningful magnitude, such as quantitysold, stock price, or return on investment.a) Regressionb) Clusteringc) SummarizationA47________ provides needed string operators in Ra) strb) forcastc) stringrC48______ splits a data frame and results in an array (hence the da). Hopefully, you’regetting the idea here.a) applyb) daplyc) statsB49System.time function returns an object of class _______ which contains two useful bitsof information.a) debug_timeb) procedure_timec) proc_timeC50Which of the following will start the R program?a) $ Rb) & Ra
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar RbUnit 21The third step in decision making process isa linear predictionsb dependent predictionsc making predictionsd independent predictionsC2The decision making step, which consists of organization goals, predictingalternatives and communicating goals is calleda organizationb alternationc planningd valuingC3The fourth step in decision making process isa linear correlationb making decisionsc implement decisionsd evaluate performanceB4The costs that behaves as irrelevant costs in process of decision making areclassified asa past costsb future costsc expected costsd sunk costsA5Which of these is not a topic covered in a typical Business Analyst AptitudeTest?a. Analytical Thinking c. Data Interpretationb. Listening Skills d. Risk ManagementD6If the test should be 30 minutes, Analytical Thinking is taken in how manyminutes?a. 5 c. 10b. 7 d. 15C7Primary objective of a business analyst is to help businesses implementa. Business systemsb. Business solutionsc. Technology systemsd. Technology solutionsB8Which business professional performs cost-benefit analyses of existing andpotential customersa) Marketerb) Financial AnalystC
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- DNYANSAGAR INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCHProf. Dhananjay Bhavsar Business Analystd) Sales Representative98. 1. A Use Case is a set of steps, typically defining interactions between a role,True of False9. a. Trueb. FalseA10Any fact that the solution can assume to be true when the use case begins iswhat?a. A winb. A Failurec. A successd. A PreconditionC11A State Diagram is used for what?a. Which Events cause a transition between statesb. Which events cause a success between statesc. Allowable behaviourd, AllD12A Solution Requirement is comprised of two types of requirements what arethey?a, Functionalb. Hardc. Existingd. Non-FunctionalA13Which of the following is used for Statistical analysis in R language?a) Studiob) RStudioc) HeckB14R functionality is divided into a number of ________a) Packagesb) Functionsc) DomainsA15Which of the following is an example of vectorized operation as far as subtraction isconcerned?> x <- 1:4> y <- 6:9a) x+yb) x-yb
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