International Business MCQs with Answers
Multiple Choice Questions
38 Pages
Contributed by
Shashank Sahni
- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. Bank - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)Unit 1: Introduction to International Trade1) How is comparative advantage defined?a) You produce the things you are especially good at, and buy from others, the goods you are lessefficient in producing.b) To produce and consume all goods without trade.c) How the world actually works.d) Globalization, growing economic linkages among countries.2) What are the four factor endowments?a) National resources, labor, physical capital and human capitalb) Types of technologyc) Material inputs used up in the process of productiond) International differences in climate3) The Heckscher- Ohlin model is principally focused on what aspect of economics?a) International tradeb) Supply and demandc) Normative economicsd) Production possibility frontier4) A no-trade world will have which of the following characteristics:a) Countries will have same relative endowments of production factorsb) Consumers across countries will have identical and homogenous tastesc) There will be no distortions or externalitiesd) all of the above
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. Transportation cost of trade affects:a) pattern of tradeb) boundaries between tradable and non-tradable goodsc) Global supply chainsd) all of the above6) Which of the following trade policies limits specified quantity of goods to be imported at one tariff rate?a) Quotab) Import tariffc) Specific tariffd) All of the above7) In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, the two countries differ ina) Military capabilitiesb) labor productivitiesc) relative availabilities of factors of productiond) tastes8) Nations conduct international trade because:a) Some nations prefer to produce one thing while others produce other things.b) Resources are not equally distributed among all trading nations.c) Trade enhances opportunities to accumulate profits.d) Interest rates are not identical in all trading nations9) International Trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in:a) Industries in which there are neither imports nor exportsb) Import-competing industriesc) Industries that sell to domestic and foreign buyers.d) Industries that sell to only foreign buyers
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. What was the first economic theory of international trade to be developed?a) The theory of mercantilismb) The theory of comparative advantagec) The theory of absolute advantaged) The Heckscher-Ohlin theory11) Mercantilists believed that a country could increase the amount of wealth it had by _____.a) Promoting exports and discouraging importsb) Discouraging exports and promoting importsc) Controlling imports and exportsd) Increasing both imports and exports12) According to Adam Smith, the trade between countries should happen _____.a) Naturally according to the market forcesb) Under government regulationc) Using factors that are availabled) Only when a country has an absolute advantage13) If a nation has an open economy it means that the nation:a) Allows private ownership of capital.b) Has flexible exchange ratesc) Has fixed exchange ratesd) Conducts trade with other countries14) International trade forces domestic firms to become more competitive in terms ofa) The introduction of new productsb) Product design and qualityc) Product priced) All of the above15) The movement to free international trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in whichindustriesa) Industries in which there are neither imports nor exportsb) Import-competing industries.c) Industries that sell to domestic and foreign buyersd) Industries that sell to only foreign buyers
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. Increased foreign competition tend toa) Intensify inflationary pressure at homeb) Induce falling output per worker-hour for domestic workersc) Place constraints on the wages of domestic workersd) Increase profits of domestic import-competing industriesUse the information in the table below to answer the next three questions 17,18,19.CountryTons of steelDVDsSouth Korea8040Japan202017) The opportunity cost of one DVD in Japan:a) One ton of steelb) Two tons of steelc)Three tons of steeld) Four tons of steel18) The opportunity cost of one DVD in South Korea is:a. One-half ton of steelb. One ton of steelc. One and one-half tons of steeld. Two tons of steel19) According to the principle of comparative advantage:a. South Korea should export steelb. South Korea should export steel and DVDsc. Japan should export steeld. Japan should export steel and DVDsAnswer the next 4 questions 20,21,22,23 based on the production table below:Country:(Output per Labor Hour)ABProduct X39Product Y42
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. Country A has an absolute advantage ina) Product Xb) Product Yc) Neither X nor Yd) Both X and Y21) Country B has an absolute advantage ina) Product Xb) Product Yc) Neither X nor Yd) Both X and Y22) If the countries were to trade along the lines of absolute advantage:a) A would export X to Bb) B would import Y from Ac) Neither country would want to trade23) If countries were to trade along the lines of comparative advantage:a) A would export X to Bb) A would export Y to Bc) Neither country would want to trade24) Globalization refers to:a) Lower incomes worldwideb) Less foreign trade and investmentc) Global warming and their effectsd) A more integrated and interdependent world25) Comparative Cost Trade Theory is given bya) Adam Smithb) David Ricardoc) Gottfried Haberled) Heckscher Ohlin
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. …………… the payment method most often used in International Trade which offers the exporter bestassurance of being paid for the products sold internationally.a) Bill of Ladingb) Letter of Creditc) Open Accountd) Drafts27) Key controllable factors in global marketing are:a) Government policy and legislationb) social and technical changesc) marketing activities and plansd) all of the above.28) The first phase of globalization started around 1870 and ended with …..a) World War Ib) World War IIc) The Establishment of GATTd) In 1913 when GDP was High29) According to this theory, the holdings of a country’s treasure primarily in the form of gold constituted itswealth.a. Gold Theoryb. Ricardo Theoryc. Mercantilismd. Hecksher Theory30) The Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage is given bya. David Ricardob. Adam Smithc. F W Taylord. Ohlin and Heckscher31) The Theory of Relative Factor Endowments is given bya) David Ricardob) Adam Smithc) c. F W Taussigd) Ohlin and Hecksher
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. The theory of comparative cost advantage is given bya. David Ricardob. Adam Smithc. F W Taussigd. Ohlin and HeckscherUnit 1 Answer Key:1 – a2 - a3 - a4 - d5 - d6 – a7 – c8 – b9 - b10 -a11 – a12 - d13 - d14 - d15 - b16 – c17 – a18 – d19 - a20 - b21 – a22 -b23 - b24 - d25 - b26-b27-c28-a29-c30-b31-d32-aUnit 2: Multinational Enterprises1) A national company becomes an MNC when ita) Makes a foreign direct investmentb) Takes out a foreign loanc) Imports a foreign productd) Exports a foreign producte) Hires foreign workers2) A multinational is a firm that controls and manages production facilities ina) Both developed and developing countriesb) At least two countriesc) One country but relies on multiple markets for the consumption of goods it producesd) At least two developed countries and one developing countrye) One country, but relies on purchasing intermediate foods from companies in other countries3) A foreign direct investment occurs when a company in country A invests in a company located in countryB and thereby gives the investing company control over the management of the company receiving itsinvestment. A company does not have to be the sole investor in the foreign companya) Trueb) False
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. Locational advantages are based on which combination of the following specific country characteristicsa) A large reserve of natural resources, a large local market and efficiency opportunitiesb) A small reserve of natural resources, a large local market and efficiency opportunitiesc) A small reserve of natural resources, a small local market and efficiency opportunitiesd) A large reserve of natural resources, a small local market and efficiency opportunitiese) A small reserve of natural resources, a large local market but few efficiency opportunities5) Horizontal integration occurs whena) Firm creates singular country production facilities, each of which produces different good or goodsb) Firm creates multiple production facilities, each of which produces the same good or goods.c) Firm creates multiple production facilities, each of which produces different good or goodsd) Firm creates singular country facilities, each of which produces the same good or goodse) Firm creates multiple production facilities, in multiple countries but with different technologies6) Vertical integration refers to instances in which multinational corporations internalize (i.e., bring undertheir ownership and control) their transactions for intermediate goodsa) Trueb) False7) Which of the following is a definition of multinational enterprises?a) A company employing foreign nationals.b) A company headquartered in one country but having operations in other countries.c) A company operating in emerging economies.d) None of the above.8) A company that invests in a controlling interest in a foreign company is best described as engaging inwhich of the following?a) International investmentb) Foreign portfolio investmentc) Foreign indirect investmentd) Foreign direct investmente) None of the answers are correct
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. Match the following.(i) MNCs buy at cheap rates from small producers(a) Automobiles producers(ii) Quotas and taxes on imports are used to regulate trade items(b) Garments, footwear, sports(iii) Indian companies who have invested abroad(c) Call centers(iv) IT has helped in spreading of production of services(d) Tata Motors, Infosys, Ranbaxy(v) Several MNCs have invested in setting up factories in India forproduction(e) Trade barriersa) i-b, ii-e, iii-d, iv-c, v-ab) i-a, ii-b, iii-d, iv-c, v-dc) i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b, v-e10) Which of the following would be an example of foreign direct investment from the United States toTaiwan?a) A U.S. bank buys bonds issued by a Taiwan computer manufacturer.b) A U.S. car manufacturer enters into a contract with a Taiwan firm to make and sell it spark plugs.c) Microsoft hires a Taiwanese computer programmer to debug some software for it.d) The state of California rents space in Taipei for one of its employees to use promoting tourism inCalifornia.11) What is the connection, if any, between comparative advantage (CA) and foreign direct investment (FDI)?a) Nothing. CA has nothing to do with FDI.b) Countries often engage in FDI in industries where the country they invest in has a comparativeadvantage.c) When a country’s firms invest abroad, this helps to create CA in the same industry at home.d) When a country’s firms invest abroad, this helps to create CA in the same industry in the countrywhere they undertake the investment.12) If a German manufacturer of household appliances wants to take advantage of the cheaper labor availablein the Czech Republic, which of the following actions will not serve that purpose?a) Build a manufacturing subsidiary there and employ Czech workers.b) Build a plant in the Czech Republic and send all German workers to operate it.c) License a Czech firm to produce its products under its own label.d) Contract for a Czech firm to do some of the processing for it.
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- DNYANSAGAR ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE, BALEWADI, PUNE – 45Subject: International Business CLASS: SYBBA IV SEM (2013 PATTERN)PROF. Heena D. Suppose that Mexico has previously had restrictions on inflows of foreign direct investment from allsources, including the United States. Then suppose that they remove those restrictions on flows from theUnited States in a particular industry, say hammocks. As a result, several hammock producers in the U.S.move production to Mexico via FDI. Indicate for each of the groups below whether you expect them togain or to lose from this flow of investment.a) Workers previously employed in hammock production in the U.S. Gain / Loseb) Workers previously employed in hammock production in Mexico. Gain / Losec) Owners of firms that move production to Mexico. Gain / Losed) Owners of U.S. hammock firms that do not move production to Mexico. Gain / Losee) Owners of firms in Mexico that previously produced hammocks. Gain / Losef) Consumers of hammocks (assume that there already was free trade in hammocks). Gain / Lose14) Which of the following was created in an effort to promote free trade?a) World Trade Organizationb) the Sarbanes-Oxley Actc) multilateral development banksd) the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development15) . Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is called:a) Liberalisationb) Investmentc) Favorable traded) Free trade16) Rapid integration or interconnection between countries is known as:a) Privatisationb) Globalisationc) Liberalisationd) Socialisation17) In which year did the government decide to remove barriers on foreign trade and investment in India?a) 1993b) 1992c) 1991d) 1990
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