- srsrBoth increase.(e)788867..2=230.030.0−1=2pp−1=σ3333 and.= 330.01=p1) =X(E30, then.= 0pIf(d)544212..= 12471.0471.0−1=2pp−1=σand123142.= 2471.01=p1) =X(E471. Therefore.= 0phas a geometric distribution withXbe the number of women to sample before selecting a married woman. ThenXLet(c)1044871..= 03471.0(b)1318051..471 = 0.0×471).0−(1×471).0−woman is married which is equal to (1This is equal to the probability that the first two women are not married and the third(a)Solution:event affect the mean and standard deviation of the wait time until success?Based on your answers to parts (c) and (d), how does decreasing the probability of an(e)expect to sample before selecting a married woman? What is the standard deviation?If the proportion of married women was actually 30%, how many women would you(d)woman? What is the standard deviation?On average, how many women would you expect to sample before selecting a married(c)What is the probability that all three randomly selected women are married?(b)third woman selected is the only one who is married?We randomly select three women between these ages. What is the probability that the(a)over are married.The 2010 American Community Survey estimates that 47.1% of women ages 15 years andProblem 1Solution for Assignment 2Fall 2022MSA 8190 Statistical Foundations
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- 2Problem 2A not-so-skilled volleyball player has a 15% chance of making the serve, which involveshitting the ball so it passes over the net on a trajectory such that it will land in the opposingteam’s court. Suppose that her serves are independent of each other.(a) What is the probability that on the 10th try she will make her 3rd successful serve?(b) Suppose she has made two successful serves in nine attempts. What is the probabilitythat her 10th serve will be successful?(c) Even though parts (a) and (b) discuss the same scenario, the probabilities you calcu-lated should be different. Can you explain the reason for this discrepancy?Solution:(a) Let X be the number of trials until she get the 3rd successful serve. Then, X followsa negative binomial distribution with p = 0.15 and r = 3. Then P(X = 10) =dnbinom(10 − 3, 3, 0.15) = 0.03895012.(b) Since the each trial is independent of the other trials, this probability is 0.15.(c) Let’s assume E is the event of have a successful serve on the 10th trial. Moreover, letF be the event of have 2 successful serves in the first 9 trials. Part (a) is asking aboutthe probability of the intersections of events E and F which isP(E ∩E) = P(E)P(F ) = dbinom(2, 9, 0.15) × 0.15 = 0.03895012,where the first quality follows by the independence of E and F . We can also seethat P(X = 10) = P(E ∩ E) = 0.03895012. But, in part (b) we are looking for theconditional probability of P(E|F ) = P(E) = 0.15, where again the first quality followsby the independence of E and F .Problem 3In a particularly delicate process for manufacturing a particular type of experimental siliconchip, the probability of successfully producing a marketable chip is 70%. The company needsto produce 12 marketable chips, but only has the budget to manufacture 15 chips.(a) What is the probability that they will be able to produce 12 marketable chips in atmost 15 attempts?(b) How many chips described in this problem need to be manufactured so that the prob-ability of getting at least 12 marketable chips is 95%.Solution:Let X be the number of chips to be produced until 12 of them are marketable. Then, X hasa negative binomial distribution with size 12 and p = 0.70
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- 3(a) P(X ≤ 15) = pnbinom(15 − 12, 12, 0.7) = 0.2968679(b) qnbinom(0.95, 12, 0.7)+12=22Problem 4A coffee shop serves an average of 75 customers per hour during the morning rush.(a) Which distribution we have studied is most appropriate for calculating the probabilityof a given number of customers arriving within one hour during this time of day?(b) What are the mean and the standard deviation of the number of customers this coffeeshop serves in one hour during this time of day?(c) Would it be considered unusually low if only 60 customers showed up to this coffeeshop in one hour during this time of day?(d) Calculate the probability that this coffee shop serves 70 customers in one hour duringthis time of day?Solution:(a) A Poisson distribution with λ = 75.(b) E(X) = λ = 75, σ =√λ =√75 = 8.66.(c) P(X ≤ 60) = ppois(60, 75) = 0.0433398, which seems a low probability.(d) P(X = 70) = dpois(70, 75) = 0.04016033Problem 5Suppose f (X) = 1.5(x −1)2for 0 < x < 2. Determine the cumulative distribution function,mean and variance of X.Solution:Note thatRx01.5(u − 1)2du = 0.5(u − 1)3|x0= 0.5(x − 1)3+ 0.5. Then,F (X) =0 x < 00.5(x − 1)3+ 0.5 0 ≤ x < 21 2 ≤ xE(X) =Z20xf(x)dx =Z20x × 1.5(x − 1)2dx = 1.5Z20(x3− 2x2+ x)dx= 1.5x44−2x33+x2220= 6 − 8 + 3 = 1
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